Remy Porter

Remy is a veteran developer who writes software for space probes.

He's often on stage, doing improv comedy, but insists that he isn't doing comedy- it's deadly serious. You're laughing at him, not with him. That, by the way, is usually true- you're laughing at him, not with him.

Scoring the Concatenation

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Today's a simple one. We've all seen code that relies too heavily on string concatenation and eschews useful methods like Join.

Nick L sends us this VB.Net example, written by a slew of mechanical engineers.

A Poorly Pruned Branch

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Juliano had this very non-WTF bit of PHP code:

if (!$path) {
	//do stuff
} else {
	//do other stuff

Many Unhappy Returns

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Gavin continues work on the old C++ app he inherited. Today we get a delightful smattering of bad choices.

HRESULT CExAPI::GetPageCacheForFolder( IN  CEntryID *p_cio_Folder, OUT CPageCache **pp_PC )
	CEntryID *p_cio_Local = new CEntryID( this, p_cio_Folder );

	switch ( p_cio_Folder->m_uiType )
			return S_OK;
			return GetPageCacheForNormalFolder(p_cio_Folder, pp_PC );
			return GetPageCacheForABFolder(p_cio_Folder, 0, pp_PC );

	return S_OK;

	DeleteIfNotNULL( p_cio_Local );

Accessed Nulls

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"The attached class connects to an Access database," writes Nicolai. That's always a good start for a WTF. Let's take a look.

public class ResultLoader {

	private static Logger sysLog = Logger.getLogger(ResultLoader.class);
	private static String url = "somePath";

	 * get the ResultTable from the Access database
	 * @param tableName
	 * @return
	private static Table getResultTable(String tableName) {
		try {
			// create a new file with the path to the table
			File db = new File(url);
			// let Jackcess open the file and return a table
		} catch (IOException e) {
		return null;

	 * load result from DB
	public static void loadResult() {
		String tableName = "Result";
		Table resultTable = getResultTable(tableName);

		if (!resultTable.equals(null)) {
			Map<Integer, Float> yearConsumption = new HashMap<Integer, Float>();

			for (Map<String, Object> row : resultTable) {
				 *  [snip] does something with the table's rows
			Result result = new Result(00, new Date(), consumptions);
		} else {"There is no data object in the Access Database!");

Reflect on Your Mistakes

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While Java didn't invent putting a toString method in the base class of every object, it certainly made it mainstream. The nice thing about the method is that it allows you to turn any object into a string, though it's up to the implementor to decide what a good string representation is. But what if you want to ensure that the object you're handed is really and truly a string, not just something you can convert to a string?

teknopaul's co-worker found their own solution:

Minimal Commentary

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Comments explain a lot about our code. And sometimes, the comments explain more than the code itself.

Alastair found this lovely comment, which demonstrates an excellent, if confusing, understanding of a boolean "or":

Suspicious Contents

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While poring through some VB .Net code, John noticed some odd things in their datamodel. For example, a different process would scan files, and log any "suspicious" files into a database. The program John supported would then report on that data.

One of their classes had a property which looked like this:

Spaced Out Replacement

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You have some text, and need to replace every sequence of spaces with a single space. E.g., My text becomes My text. Now, if you're most of us, you ignore the famous quote and reach straight for regexes.

But Samuel's co-worker isn't most of us.
