"Not too long ago," Aaron writes, "I applied for a Java developer position at a certain, prestigious university. Despite passing the technical assessment with flying colors, the department head rejected my application because, according to the recruiter, 'he really only hires alumni'. Eh, whatever."
"A few months later, the same recruiter called to see if I'd be interested in an interview. One thing led to another, and I ended up taking the job - apparently, the alumni Java developers they hired ended up making a bit of a mess of things. Upon my first look at the code, I saw a comment that said Create all the variables. What was beneath it was, in fact, all of the variables:"
// Create all variables// // x,y locations of pumps and valves int prbx1, prbx2, prbx3, prbx4, prbx5, prbx6, prby1, prby2, prby3, prby4, prby5, prby6, prbx7, prby7; int plbx1, plbx2, plbx3, plbx4, plbx5, plbx6, plby1, plby2, plby3, plby4, plby5, plby6, plby7, plbx7; int vhbx1, vhby1, vhbx2, vhby2, vhbx3, vhby3, vhbx4, vhby4, vvbx1, vvby1, vvbx2, vvby2, vvbx3, vvby3, vvbx4, vvby4; int tcx1, tcx2, tcx3, tcx4, tcy1, tcy2, tcy3, tcy4; int siax, siay, sibx, siby; int vilx1, vilx2, vilx3, vilx4, vily1, vily2, vily3, vily4; int rodUpx, rodUpy, rodDownx, rodDowny, rodAutox, rodAutoy, rod10x, rod10y, rod5x, rod5y, rod1x, rod1y; int wa1x, wa1y, wa2x, wa2y, wa3x, wa3y, wa4x, wa4y, wb1x, wb1y, wb2x, wb2y, wb3x, wb3y, wb4x, wb4y, warnx, warny; int turbx1, turby1, trapx1, trapy1, guage1x1, guage1y1, guagesx1, guagesy1, rodinx, rodiny, reactorx, reactory, joint1x, joint1y, joint2x, joint2y, sgx1, sgx2, sgx3, sgx4, sgy1, sgy2, sgy3, sgy4;
Aaron continues, "good job, you've created all the variables. Now, what the $#@~! are they?!"