I'm always amazed at the lengths some people will go to 'enterprise up' there Java apps," Ben writes, "especially those daft Yes/No enums that we've seen here lately."
"Now, I've always been proud that I am a practical common-sense programmer, so imagine my surprise when I found myself writing this joy of over-engineering ...
public class NotNull implements Rule { String objName = null; Object o = null; public NotNull(String objName, Object o) { this.objName = objName; this.o = o; } public void check() throws RuleException { if (o == null) { throw new RuleException(ErrorMessages.ErrorCode.OBJ_IS_NULL, objName); } } }
"And its ease of use...
// Make sure the XML is not null addRule(new NotNull("xml" , xml));
"Why I couln't have just tested for 'null'? I'm not sure, but it all seemed great at the time. And the worst thing is... that code is still there. I must be turning into an "Architect" or something. Help!"