Don't ya just hate it when you query the database and it just refuses to return a result set? Ok, it's never happened to me, but it must happen all the time to the consultants behind a Cold Fusion (a TDWTF first!) project Jason Nussbaum got to work on. Not sure why they didn't follow the TTC (Third Time is the Charm) rule ... twice is never enough!

<CFPARAM Name="Attributes.UserID" Default="15" /> 
<CFQUERY Name="GetUserData" DataSource="#DS#"> 
     SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UserID = '#Attributes.UserID#'; 
<CFIF GetUserDate.RecordCount IS 0> 
     <CFQUERY Name="GetUserData" DataSource="#DS#"> 
          SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UserID = '#Attributes.UserID#'; 

And in case you were wondering ...

For those that don't know CF, the CFParam tag take a variable name, and a default value, and checks if the variable has been defined. If it has, it leaves well enough alone, and otherwise creates the variable and assigns the default value to it.

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