"Our company's product is designed to help analysts aggregate all sorts of different data together," Charles writes, "we take a snapshot (a zipfile of the working directory) at various times, and create a few backup versions for good measure."

"From a programming standpoint, there are a few ways I could imagine implementing this functionality. This was not one of them."

'Function for renaming DATFIL.ZIP files and maintaining 30 versions
Public Sub renameDATFILFiles()

    ' Checking whether the ImportDir has the OLD sub-directory
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if not exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old mkdir " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\DATFIL.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.ZIP")

    ' Running the commands to copy the DATFIL.ZIP to their OLD names!
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.070.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.070.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.069.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.070.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.069.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.069.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.068.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.069.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.068.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.068.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.067.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.068.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.067.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.067.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.066.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.067.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.066.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.066.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.065.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.066.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.065.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.065.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.064.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.065.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.064.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.064.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.063.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.064.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.063.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.063.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.062.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.063.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.062.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.062.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.061.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.062.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.061.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.061.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.060.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.061.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.060.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.060.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.059.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.060.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.059.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.059.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.058.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.059.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.058.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.058.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.057.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.058.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.057.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.057.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.056.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.057.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.056.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.056.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.055.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.056.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.055.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.055.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.054.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.055.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.054.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.054.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.053.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.054.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.053.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.053.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.052.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.053.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.052.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.052.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.051.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.052.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.051.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.051.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.050.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.051.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.050.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.050.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.049.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.050.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.049.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.049.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.048.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.049.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.048.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.048.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.047.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.048.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.047.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.047.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.046.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.047.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.046.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.046.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.045.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.046.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.045.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.045.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.044.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.045.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.044.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.044.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.043.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.044.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.043.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.043.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.042.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.043.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.042.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.042.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.041.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.042.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.041.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.041.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.040.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.041.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.040.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.040.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.039.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.040.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.039.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.039.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.038.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.039.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.038.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.038.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.037.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.038.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.037.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.037.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.036.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.037.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.036.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.036.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.035.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.036.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.035.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.035.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.034.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.035.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.034.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.034.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.033.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.034.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.033.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.033.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.032.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.033.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.032.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.032.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.031.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.032.ZIP")
    '** END BLOCK ADDED [removed for privacy]

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.031.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.031.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.030.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.031.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.030.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.030.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.029.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.030.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.029.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.029.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.028.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.029.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.028.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.028.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.027.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.028.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.027.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.027.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.026.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.027.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.026.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.026.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.025.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.026.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.025.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.025.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.024.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.025.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.024.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.024.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.023.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.024.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.023.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.023.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.022.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.023.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.022.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.022.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.021.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.022.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.021.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.021.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.020.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.021.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.020.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.020.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.019.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.020.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.019.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.019.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.018.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.019.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.018.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.018.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.017.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.018.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.017.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.017.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.016.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.017.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.016.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.016.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.015.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.016.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.015.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.015.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.014.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.015.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.014.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.014.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.013.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.014.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.013.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.013.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.012.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.013.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.012.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.012.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.011.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.012.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.011.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.011.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.010.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.011.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.010.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.010.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.009.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.010.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.009.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.009.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.008.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.009.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.008.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.008.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.007.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.008.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.007.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.007.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.006.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.007.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.006.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.006.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.005.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.006.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.005.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.005.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.004.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.005.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.004.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.004.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.003.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.004.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.003.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.003.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.002.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.003.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.002.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.002.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.001.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.002.ZIP")

    theSystem.runDOSCommand("if exist " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.001.ZIP del " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.001.ZIP /F") '//ADDED
    theSystem.runDOSCommand("copy " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.ZIP " _
      & theSystem.ImportDir & "\old\DATFIL.001.ZIP")
End Sub
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