It's days like this where I really think we need to be careful about exposing certain words and concepts we expose to "certain" programmers. What tends to happen, quite ironically, is that the "certain" programmer somehow manages to recreate the exact problem that a technology was designed to solve within the confines of that technology.

Case in point, Matt sent in what happened when his predecessor heard the word "extensible." No surprise, the programmer was actually able to completely negate the entire purpose of functions by using a function ...

Public Function ExpandableFunction(ByVal strFunctionName As String, _
              ByRef sArg1 As String, ByRef sArg2 As String, ByRef sArg3 As String, _
              ByRef vArg1 As Variant, ByRef vArg2 As Variant, ByRef vArg3 As Variant, _
              ByRef oArg1 As Object, ByRef oArg2 As Object, ByRef oArg3 As Object)
  Select Case strFunctionName
    Case "CREATE"
      If CInt(sArg1) > 0 And CInt(sArg2) > 0 Then 
        'ED: Snip
      End If

    'ED: Looooooong Snip of Cases

  End Select
End Sub Function 'ED: My bad!

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