In the past year or so that I've been doing the Daily WTF, I can't tell you how many times I've wondered (or have been asked) when I will officially run out of unique content. I'm sure that day will come, but today certainly isn't that day. Especially with folks like Ederson Peka discovering completely new paradigms out in the wild. Today's particular find is entitled the "Select (just in) Case." Note that if for whatever reason, the condition falls through the cracks of the Switch/Case statement, you're safe with that extra If.

Select Case LCase(controlType)

  Case "check", "radio", "combo", "select"

    If controlType = "select" Then
      'ED Snip ...
    End IF

    If controlType = "radio" Then
      'ED Snip ...
    End IF

End Select

Don't hesitate to snag these beasts you come across and send em on in ...

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