A long while back, an anonymous reader sent in a block of code that, at first glance, looked like well-written VB6 code implementing some fairly complex products catalog. There was no background or remarks with the submission (which, by the way, is very helpful), so I kinda just tossed it in the "Look-at-this-later" folder. I finally got around to checking it out discovered why it was sent in ... I'll leave it as an exersize for the reader to find this same reason ...

'find product groups for the current system
Set product_groups_node = xmldom.SelectNodes("/root/systems[@type=" & SystemType & "]/product_group")
For Each product_group_node in product_groups_node

  IsValidGroup = True

  'validate that the user has access to the group
  If IsValidGroup Then IsValidGroup = _
    customer.CanAccessProductGroup( product_group_node.selectSingleNode("@group_code").Value )

  'ED: Snip 6 further validations

  'and that there are avaiable products in the group
  If IsValidGroup Then IsValidGroup = _
    product_group_node.selectNodes("product[@quantity > 0]").length > 0

  'add products and product group
  If IsValidGroup Then
    'build the product group
    Set product_group = New Catalog.ProductGroup
	'ED: Snip 15 lines lines

	'add the products
    For Each product_node In product_group_node.selectNodes("product")

	  'validate that the price is not above credit limit
	  lpos = InStr(product_node.xml, "base_price") + 12
	  rpos = InStr(lpos,product_group_node.xml,"""")
	  If CSng(Mid(product_group_node.xml, lpos, rpos - lpos)) <= customer.CreditLimit Then
		product_group.AddProduct _
		  product_group.selectSingleNode("@product_number").Value, _
		  product_group.selectSingleNode("@base_price").Value, _
	  End If


    'add it to the user's catalog
	userCatalog.AddProductGroup product_group
  End If


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