• RON (unregistered)

    This article was clearly written by someone who has never worked in the software industry for any major client.

    Yes, executables are easily recompilable. Yes it's data, and we can send it out.

    But you're forgetting something: security audits. We work with a lot of banks, and the process to approve a single assembly for usage can take over a month, sometimes up to 3 or 4 months. They go over everything with a fine tooth comb, hire security auditors and private firms, etc.

    Rolling out a new version of a .DLL is a painful and long process in the banking industry.

    And of course, the banks can't afford any downtime either. A rollout of a new assembly needs to take the system down, which is a long and arduous process that needs to be coordinated between thousands of people. It's simply not realistic in any way to expect the company to shut down operations and spend thousands reauditing a DLL simply because they want THIS document to apply to NY state, rather than THAT one.

    A database patch, however, takes one person 10 minutes to apply. Millions of dollars are saved, and life goes on.

    Just because soft-code is harder to write, don't assume it's a bad solution.

  • na (unregistered)

    Wow, I've lost all respect for this site, now. This article basically says, let's use lazy, hack-ish coding practices because it's easier for us in the short term.

    For anyone who has ever worked with a sizable user base, and/or any kind of change control policy, "just recompile and re-release" is not a trivial thing. I would much rather update a row of data (a dollar amount threshold, for example, from 20,000 to 30,000) than to have to make a code change, get approval form 3 managers and a vp, go to a change control meeting, and then move the change through test, qa, then to prod.

    Yes, some of you will say that the release process is the problem here, but banks are kind of funny about what gets released into their production environment (and rightfully so).

    Anyways, in my opinion, this article just advocates horrible coding practices.

  • j. (unregistered) in reply to Redplague

    for a second I that you were meaning What The F...

  • Matthew Wakeling (unregistered)

    What does this article say about that well-known mail transfer agent, sendmail? Perhaps the most soft-coded application I can think of.

  • bd (unregistered) in reply to na
    I would much rather update a row of data (a dollar amount threshold, for example, from 20,000 to 30,000) than to have to make a code change, get approval form 3 managers and a vp, go to a change control meeting, and then move the change through test, qa, then to prod.
    Your release management is sloppy. You should have the same procedure in both cases.

    Not to mention that giving developers DB access (probably unrestricted one) is another disaster waiting to happen.

    Kinda reminds me of net admins that shut down all ports but port 80 "to improve security". And then notice a month later that there are more SOCKS proxies than HTTP servers running on port 80.

  • na (unregistered) in reply to bd

    you're reading that much too literally. Obviously, a dba would update a data row.

    And my point isn't a debate on release management, it's that the article advocates poor coding practices.

  • bd (unregistered) in reply to na
    And my point isn't a debate on release management, it's that the article advocates poor coding practices.
    You're not making that point with your original post, though. All you're saying is that it's easier on your project to get a database change approved than an application one. I can think of (at least) three different scenarios for that.
  • na (unregistered) in reply to bd

    No, I'm saying that it's easier to change a business rule when it is data driven than when it is in the source code.

  • Gentian (unregistered)

    For me there's a danger that this whole soft coding article is WTF Jumping the Shark.

    The whole name change seemed worrying, but I was coping.

    But seriously... this is a WTF? The article says that nothing in the first example is hard coded. Huh? It's ALL hard coded! It may be right to be hard coded but it is hard coded.

    I have often found myself guilty of over generalising, and yes it can compromise simplicity and execution speed, and yes, even development time. So there is a point to be made.

    But, like I said, this is a WTF?

    Thanks to everyone who jumped in to argue against Alex's point. And yes, as commenters to those say, it's sometimes appropriate to do it the hard coded way.

    But no way it's a WTF! A WTF is never the right way, not something which very often is and should be the only way.

    Here's why WTF might have jumped the shark. Every time I read an article now I've got to think, is this whole article just completely wrong?

    Sad to say this. But it's on my mind.


  • rblaa (unregistered)
    It’s a pretty silly fear to have. The whole point of software (hence, the “soft”) is that it can change that it will change. The only way to insulate your software from business rule changes is to build a completely generic program that’s devoid of all business rules yet can implement any rule. Oh, and they’ve already built that tool. It’s called C++. And Java. And C#. And Basic. And, dare I say, COBOL.

    Yes! Finally.

    As soon as you have configurable rules that affect behaviour, you need to think very very careful about inventing yet another home grown configuration format, which in effect is just another interpreted language.

    The points about dynamic scripts vs compiled only languages are really irrelevant: you have "code rules" that you change to modify behaviour. Why not use an existing notation such as a programming language. It's much easier than inventing your own.

    Either way, you have to properly test the system and re-release. Those who think that only official source code changes need an official QA cycle and that configuration file changes do not are simply releasing potentiall buggy software.

    One valid reason to have a configuration rules file is when users want to change things without rebuilding. Even then, consider using a preexisting scripting language (e.g. lua, scheme) rather than inventing a complex xml format.

    Here's the rule of thumb: as soon as you need rules that are complex enough, you are programming. Programming is best denoted via a programming language.

    Most people are terrible at inventing programming languages. Furthermore, almost all XML "languages" for controlling complex behaviour just plain suck. The only reasonable one I know of is ant, and even that can be tedious.

  • barf indeedy (unregistered)

    Can't we all just get along? :D

  • Jo (unregistered) in reply to cparker
    One billion could equal either of the following:

    1 000 000 000 1 000 000 000 000

    Having solid definitions of things like this--whether it be in configuration files or #defines--should be a requirement if you're writing a program that is going to be used--and developed--internationally.

    No! In a computer program, the interesting thing is how many zeros you have behind the 1. Things like millions and billions have nothing to do in a program at all. Inside source code it's 1e9 or 1e12. Whether you choose to name something a billion or a milliard is an I/O-issue. This should be handled by localization (if at all).

    Most programs rightly handle this by reading and writing numbers consisting of strings of digits, instead of numbers consisting of strings of letters (e.g. "24" not "twenty four").

  • Peter (unregistered)

    Great instructive article please have more of these.

  • c6jones720 (unregistered) in reply to Peter

    I work for a company that deals with embedded computer systems controlling machines. I have seen first hand what happens when you hardcode things into embedded software. You end up with over 300 versions of the same program with nasty little:

    #if blah.. #else

    #define this... #if defined that...

    statements all over the place and completely unmaintainable code. No wonder they fired all thier old programmers!

    I am 100% in favour of softcoding.

  • XenonXavior (unregistered)

    For all of you who are frightened by this, take it with a grain of salt. For the banking industry, this may not be the best practice. For some piece of proprietary software that may never change for 5 years, it's not a bad policy. I've seen too much generic code that allows for a wide range of possibilities that will most likely never happen. In the event that a value or policy needs to change, changing the source would be marginally more difficult than changing a configuration value in some other place.

    Each choice should be made in its own context. Why plan for an eventual future that may not happen when it's easier to deal with the issues at hand? Don't ask for a pound of prevention over an ounce of cure.

  • Pavlov's Dog (unregistered) in reply to Mr Steve
    Mr Steve:
    This article really gets to the heart of 'art of coding', that is finding the right balance between:

    saving time and money now (hard coding)


    saving time and money later (soft coding)

    for whatever weird reason, coders generally think in terms of soft coding and making great frameworks that will change the world! (just look at how many ajax frameworks and javascript form frameworks there are currently out there).

    that's only one side of the art

    people (publicly at least) say they dislike hard coding and hacks. personally i think that they're great. alot of the code that you currently write is for products that have a half life of less then 2 years. often there's no reason to abstract the hell out of your code cos your product will get binned and replaced, so your abstraction is simply a waste of time and energy.

    so it's important to be mindful of this and go for balance.

    To quote Albert Einstein, "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."

    Another saw along those lines goes, "every problem is not a nail, and every tool is not a hammer." Sadly, I see too many developers wielding the non-iterative/non-feedback development methodology hammer (aka 'development in a vacuum').

    Choosing to hardcode rapidly changing specifications, is just as bad as wasting time 'softcoding' specifications that haven't changed since Dinosaurs ruled the Earth (1950 or so ;) ).

  • P-Bear (unregistered) in reply to rblaa
    Either way, you have to properly test the system and re-release. Those who think that only official source code changes need an official QA cycle and that configuration file changes do not are simply releasing potentiall buggy software.

    If your configurations are breaking your application you are obviously not designing your tests to truely exersize the modules properly.

    Test based development forces you to think about the boundaries, and your tests that exersize the code should cover all those bases (e.g. Top/Bottom boundary failures AS WELL AS what is expected - test for failure as well as for success - all tests should pass or you have a gap that needs to be filled).

    You should know that your code is going to fail gracefully regardless of what a user throws at it - and this goes for configurations - perhaps ESPECIALLY for configurations - as well. Failing gracefully is NOT a bug.

  • fly2 (unregistered) in reply to chrismcb

    [quote]Lets suppose, instead of just having two states with odd forms, you have 50 states. What would you rather maintain a table, or a bunch of if statements? [/qoute] Probably the table [quote]What is easier to deploy, a new set of dlls or a new database file? [/qoute] typically dlls [quote]What is easier to test a new dll or a new database file? [/qoute] typically dlls [quote]What is easier for the customer? Update thier data, or wait for the vendor to release the new version[/qoute] Typically waiting

  • (cs)

    I agree with the previous comments suggesting balance and moderation. In any problem/spectrum-of-possible-solutions combination, there a sweet spot that is right. The artistry is in finding that sweet spot.

    I'm involved in an evaluation now at work where we're trying to select a web application framework. Should we roll our own, using basic concepts, fairly hard programming methods for things like MVC, layout, components, and AJAX, and just enough glue to bring it all together? Or should we look at the many soft frameworks out there that provide much more complete and flexible solutions?

    No-one on this forum can answer that question, because no-one on this forum knows our particular situation. The same holds true for Alex's original article and YOUR particular situation. YOU know your situation best, and YOU can therefore decide where your sweet spot is.

  • (cs) in reply to na
    I would much rather update a row of data (a dollar amount threshold, for example, from 20,000 to 30,000) than to have to make a code change, get approval form 3 managers and a vp, go to a change control meeting, and then move the change through test, qa, then to prod. ... Yes, some of you will say that the release process is the problem here, but banks are kind of funny about what gets released into their production environment (and rightfully so).

    I think the point being made by some here (one with which I agree) is that when you go in and change that database row, you ARE releasing something into the production environment. There's no functional difference between the following two actions:

    1. changing a line of code that reads "if foo > 12345" to "if foo > 54321"

    2. changing a sometable.somecolumn from 12345 to 54321, if the code reads "if foo > sometable.somecolumn"

    The net effect is that IN THE PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT, foo is being compared to a different number. If changing the database doesn't require a full QA cycle, then changing the code doesn't either. The same is true of any statement that changing config somehow requires less testing than changing code.

    If your bank (or whoever) doesn't understand that, then it is your responsibliity to explain it to them, and to try to get them to fix their release process.

  • (cs) in reply to lackluster
    For instance rather than defining DAYS_IN_WEEK, you would call a function to return that number for you, and the function that was called would be defined in the configuration file.

    Boy, I hope I've missed the <sarcasm> tag on this one! It reminds me very much of the overuse of other methodologies such as "always code to an interface".

    I once inherited code from someone who always coded to an interface. So he'd often have IFoo, AbstractFoo, MyParticularConcreteFoo, and MyOtherLongNamedConcreteFoo all defined. But then sometimes, he'd have calls like this:

    IFoo foo = someObject.getFoo();
    Bar bar = ((AbstractFoo)foo).getBar();

    This came about because AbstractFoo was the only class actually implementating IFoo. Even worse was this one:

    IFoo foo = someObject.getFoo();
    Bar bar = ((TheOnlyConcreteFoo)foo).getBar();

    It was code like the above that made it IMPOSSIBLE for me to extend the functionality of the system without a total rewrite. At the highest levels, the original developer had said to himself "I've only got one low-level implementation, so I can use its behavior." Poor programming on his part, but inevitable.

    Too often, the layers of indirection in "code only to interfaces" or "always put everything in a config file" are pointless because there's only ONE target that is ever used. Even worse, they are dangerous because developers will inevitably start making use of the fact that there's only one target.

    Call it Freundlich's Law of Soft Coding:

    Use soft-coding where is it appropriate and necessary, and nowhere else.
  • Marc (unregistered) in reply to Ebs2002

    I always cringe when OTHERS cringe about magic numbers. Sometimes, they're appropriate (as you're pointing out). What's the point of a mountain of defines or a config table that includes obvious information? #DEFINE NUM_DAYS_IN_WEEK 7 #DEFINE NUM_SECONDS_IN_MINUTE 60

    The point in that case is readability. If your code multiplies by a mysterious number 60, you will not know if that number 60 is to indicate the number of seconds in a minute, or the number of minutes in an hour. Same goes for the number 7, how do you know why the number 7 is used? When your code says DAYSPERWEEK instead of 7 it will be more easy to understand.

    As for the


    This obviously adds no value whatsoever. In fact should its value change, that's another WTF. But what does the value one million represent? By contrast, #DEFINE MAXFILESIZE_BYTES 1000000 is perfectly valid.

    But the example you're giving doesn't have much to do with softcoding. #defines are typically not stored as configuration, so you would still have to rebuild and reinstall the system for your customer.

  • (cs) in reply to Mandor
    As someone who both admins and codes, I find this article horrifying. It sounds like it was written by someone who has the luxury of writing code and not actually maintaining systems and code over the long term.
    As someone who does lots of maintanance programming it sounds like it was written by someone who really knows how much stupid crap is done in the name of mainainability that absolutely kill said maintainability.
    First off, making everything configurable should be really "cheap." Most languages have some sort of framework for making things easily configurable. Even if your language doesn't have such, you will have to develop one for the cases that are inarguably hardcoding. Once you have an infrastructure for easy configuration, it should be really cheap to make everything configurable.
    If "everything" is configurable, your language is now an interpreter, and the configuration files are now the language you are coding in. You have wasted an enormous amount of time on something you could have achieved by choosing to program in a scripting language in the first place.
    Secondly, from a full lifecycle perspective, often the things that change are not the things that you anticipated upfront. The more things that are configurable, the easier it is to make changes during the lifecycle of the program. Sure, some changes will require a recompile, but by putting as much as is reasonable in a configuration file, you minimize this.
    You also minimize maintainability of the code. What kind of crap environment are you working in where compiling the code is so horribly difficult or dangerous or costly that it must be avoided an any cost? That the answer to "it's hard to tell which parts of the app may change" is "make everything configurable"? How about ditching that environment and migrating to a language where you can concentrate on productive work rather than the shortcomings of the environment?
    Also, as others have observed, in many environments, it's a lot easier to get permission to change a configuration than to change code. Code changes require careful testing, since coders tend to break things; config changes also require testing, but can be more easily backed out.
    Riiight. So in order to circumvent barriers intended to prevent code changes from breaking things, you propose to put the potential for breaking things outside the barriers and hope that you can reverse any breakage before it has serious consequences or anyone notices? I suppose if you work in a management-wtf-environment that can make sense...
    And also, "recompiling" is not always a simple matter. After N years, the compilers, tools, and platforms might themselves have changed, such that even recompiling original source might not produce new binaries that behave identically to the original binaries.
    If you're in a situation where a recompile of your project is a scary proposition that you'd rather not even attempt, you have a whole different magnitude of problem.
  • (cs) in reply to Dirge
    I'm sure it's often possible to get away with the sort of hackish, fast-but-crappy coding he promotes when it's internal to a company. It's still terrible.

    End users of a program should never have to change the source code and recompile just because data (like which states require a particular form) has changed. Source code gets lost. If you buy a product, you probably don't even have the source code.

    Congratulations on missing the point so completely after it has been explained repeatedly.

    The only beast worse than hackish, fast-but-crappy code is hackish, slow-but-crappy and unmaintainable code that increases complexity and project size with extra layers and abstractions that serve no purpose but trying (and failing) to turn logic into "data" rather than "code".

  • (cs) in reply to Greg
    You're thinking inside the box. There is a middle ground between a general purpose language (i.e. hard-coding) and throwing stuff in config files (i.e. soft-coding). That middle ground is a domain-specific language (DSL) which is used to generate code. You make it easy to write the business rules in a reasonably straightforward and natural way and make generating the code (and compiling it) part of the build system. As long as you don't try to make your DSL too big or your generator too smart, you're in good shape. It's still code, but it's code in a higher level language.

    A domain-specific language only has advantages when it can actually express the domain-specific things in a better (more concise, whatever) way than they could be expressed in the main project language. IMO this is rarely the case.

  • (cs) in reply to eyrieowl
    No. The point is that if you really do a good implementation and follow through to the logical conclusion, you end up where you started: you're writing your logic in a fully-fledged programming language, changes need to be tested and you probably have a non-trivial deployment process.
    That's an unsupported assertion, one that I think is provably false. If you follow *your* logic to it's "logical conclusion", there is no point to any language other than machine language. After all, they're all just languages sitting on top of that. Clearly, though, higher levels of abstraction *do* have value and even you likely don't code machine code by hand. The point to any language that sits on top of a lower level of abstraction should be to provide useful abstractions that make doing common tasks easier. That's the fundamental reason why programming languages exist.
    Exactly. And we nowadays have a plethora of high-level languages to choose from. Why not use one of them them? Because it's more interesting to roll your own? Because your work is so very special that it cannot be adequately described in a general-purpose language?

    I never said there was no point in creating higher levels of abstraction, only that by putting those abstractions in "config files" then unless they are truely trivial and stay that way, you are in fact creating your own programming language which can contain bugs, needs to be tested, version-controlled, etc.

    It is definitely not the case that every problem requires a full-fledged programming language to solve. My example of computing an IRS 1040 is a perfect case in point. Externalizing the logic of the 1040 to a document that is read by a processor in _no_ _way_ requires a full programming language. The set of operations required is much more limited and specialized. So making an assertion that externaling logic leads inevitably to full-fledged-language-horror is just wrongheaded.
    Not being American I have no idea what kind of logic is required for handling that form, but I really doubt that the result of "externalizing" that logic was more maintainable than if it had been written as well-designed code in a general-purpose high-level language.
    And if you DON'T do it well, you end up with a hideous monstrosity of a language. Designing and implementing programming languages isn't really something most coders have a lot of experience in.
    Which entirely misses the point I made -- just because something can or has been done badly doesn't mean it shouldn't be done. You or someone you know might not be the best person to solve a particular problem, but that doesn't mean no one is qualified and should attempt the task. Most coders *I've* met are terrible system architects, but that doesn't mean there aren't *good* architects that you should have designing your system. Likewise, externalizing logic requires a certain skill and has an art to it--if you lack that art, don't assume everyone else does and that the approach is therefore flawed.
    Ah yes, the good old "you're stupid!" argument, so eloquently expressed.

    It is you who misses my point entirely. Just because something difficult, failure-prone and time-consuming CAN be done well doesn't mean it SHOULD be done when its benefits are questionable. What I am doubting is that there is any edvantage to "externalizing logic" over expressing it in an existing general-purpose language.

  • collector (unregistered)


  • Richard (unregistered)

    There seems to be a misunderstanding on which type of application each user's comments are about.

    I believe Alex's article was about a custom-built system for a single (perhaps up to 10) client(s), not a packaged program sold to millions.

    In such case, the "Application" is not just the executable, but also the configuration and probably the supporting enviroment at the client. The client does not care that the program does exactly what the configuration says, but that it does what it is expected to (include the correct documents for each state in this example). Testing that the configuration files or database entries are correct before deployment is just as important as testing the code.

    In my experience, clients almost never change any configuration files on their own anyway, even if they have requested something to be user-modifiable. Even if the changes are as "safe" as correcting the spelling of a translation string. Which suits us well, because we would have to fix any problems with misconfiguration.

    For packaged software the sweet-spot of user configurability is probably much more in the soft-coding direction, as users have no way of requesting features, and bear all the responsibility of maintaing their enviroment and configuration.

  • Jasmine (unregistered)

    Yes, Amen brother! Thanks for writing this.

  • Paul (unregistered)

    Wow, 179 comments and counting. Good show! Yet in all that I counted perhaps 5 mentions of the "user".

    This is not about "once and only once" .. .I think we all tend to agree with that.

    Alex's main point seemed to be that overly complex solutions (aka EBE) introduce more problems to a project than they remove.

    He argued (bravely) the KISS principle .. keep it in the code with really well tuned deployment practices.

    Fine ... to a point.

    But I think all this misses the real point: where you put your rules/configuration/data should ulitmately be determined by the required usage (both to read and write.

    This should be a discussion about the application of user-centered design in other words, and separation of responsibilities.

    Who is going to be responsible for the maintenance of that rule/configuration data? A programmer: sure, put it in the code. A system operator: hmm, maybe better put it in a config file. A user: web-based UI please, with AJAX;)

    In other words, there is no universal "balance" to be reached - it depends on your requirements and a good dose of common sense.

    Take an extreme case: the rules of arithmetic. 1 + 1 = 2. You don't expect to code/configure or define a business rule for what "+" means, do you? That is, unless you write compilers ...

  • Daniel (unregistered)

    I wholeheartedly agree. While the quest for 'soft' code is admirable in intent, it is futile. The ultimate aim of developers who are fixated on 'soft' code is to create the perfect program - in essence, to endow the computer with intelligence. This is similar to efforts to create the perfect AI in a computer game.

    Their mission is - however - futile on machines which they would themselves acknowledge are actually incapable of independent thought and which they, despite their best efforts, are incapable of giving to them. (Thank God! I've seen the Terminator films!)

    Far better to acknowledge this fact, create code that does the job and forget about delusions of grandeur that imply that you are capable of making a bullet-proof piece of software.

    As you have already pointed out, the programming languages already developed were made to be flexible enough to create software suitable to the tasks we are confronted with. Attempts to utilise this software to create artificial application intelligence are a lost cause. If a specific application requires flexibility at the time, this can be identified and built in as required. But to try to make it future-proof is simply ridiculous especially when - in 2-5 years' time, the next version of my programming language will be released and my old code will no longer be compatible - nor worth adapting - anyway.

  • theodark (unregistered)

    I agree with this article. I've found myself many times lost in the sea of this "soft coding" :)

    Just to point out some highlights:

    Of course you won't use defines like #define NUM_DAYS_PER_WEEK 7

    You do not need to reevent the wheel... On the other hand it would be silly not to #define PENDING_ORDER_TIMEOUT_DAYS 7

    or use

    if( m_order.getDaysSinceSubmission() > NUM_DAYS_PER_WEEK && m_order.status....


    As for the hard-coded part: Even the most cleanest code has raw & dirty parts. We cannot avoid it and I personaly, am not against it as "part of the plan"! In fact because of "raw & dirty" code is why you have refactoring. In order to elevate and write more efficiently later on, parts of your app that are hard-coded.

  • Miklos Hollender (unregistered)

    I'm always amazed by the fact how programmers don't understand each other. Alex was clearly writing about a mid-size (single db, single-UI) business app used only by one company. For this purpose this approach can be viable. Somebody else meant banks with security audits or software bought on CD's... for those obviously it cannot be.

    Hey! People! Why do we STILL believe that programming is ONE profession, and thus lessons learned on one field are easily transferable to another field? Frankly speaking, these debates look like as if a chemical engineer and a construction engineer would debate on how useful a given approach or device is.

    I'm personally in the same field as Alex, but I tend to like a bit of configuration, not in files though but on database tables shown on forms. The only reason is that it doubles as a succint documentation: if the customer says thingy A doesn't work and I cannot find a configuration option about it, I can search the code for where is that field used. Otherwise they aren't much use.

  • Bob Frankston (unregistered) in reply to Ebs2002

    But there aren't 60 seconds in a minute! There would be if we didn't let astronomers trump reason by randomly adding and removing leap seconds.

    They are like fourth class programmers who don’t know that hardwiring their minor correction factor into our representation of time would make all time libraries invalid? It’s hard coding of the worst kind – they don’t understand the concept of representation and assume their definition of time is the only one that matters.

  • Arioch (unregistered) in reply to tster
    wrong, There are 7 days in a week if you are using a calendar that specifies that there are 7 days in a week. Indeed, calendars besides Gregorian calendar exist.

    Isn't the very term "week" became undefined (read: non-esxistent, senseless) beyond Gregorian (and other historically related) calendars ?

  • Arioch (unregistered) in reply to silverpie

    [quote user="silverpie"][quote user="tster"]The last one to survive more than a year that used any other week was the French Revolutionary.[/quote]

    Wrong. It was 5-days and later 6-days weeks in early 1930-s in USSR. While Grigorian week was counted in parallel, all the economical life was scheduled according new weeks with no respect to legacy 7-days week. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_revolutionary_calendar

    Captcha: cognac. Hmm, i think it was rather joint, that inspired creators of those calendars.

  • Alexei (unregistered)

    what a shame, this term isnt on Wikipedia yet. Greate article

  • dotnetguy (unregistered) in reply to dkf
    Bell Endian:
    1 is 1 and 10 is 10 in big endian notation.
    It is in little-endian notation too, but it helps if you stand on your head or move to Australia.

    Don't pick on me, i live in Australia and make a living out of programming without having to know the details about bigEndian or littleEndian :P

  • CeilingCrash (unregistered)

    Are you nuts !? Every magic value is a failure point, because it can change and then your code breaks. If you have 300 of them, you have 300 failure points.

    You can have them strewn throughout your code, or gathered at the top (constants), or in a database. These three possibilities are in descending order of accessibility.

    If you have hardcoded the number 32, say, the number of coke machines in your building, and they add another one - what are you going to do? search everywhere for '32' ? oh - and 31 in case of zero-indexed arrays? in hex too ?

    Will you be sure you got them all?

    Those magic numbers are your software's touchpoints to the world. They should be handled with great care, and gathered in an interface. Or else, you don't even know what values your code depends on! You will live to regret any magic value in your code.

  • Andy Skuse (unregistered) in reply to AN
    You know, we are so far down the road of soft coding that it would blow your mind, and it works for us. We have a couple of dozen clients, and they all have custom data, different versions of forms, and different business logic. We don't have massive code forks for these clients, we just configure the bejeezus out of the application.

    Our ORM model is configurable. Our business logic is configurable. Our presentation model is configurable. All of this is runtime loadable, and we edit the configuration data with more or less the same tools that our clients use to edit their data. We store all the data in the database, right alongside the application data.

    Yes, there are serious risks and problems associated with this methodology. But given our scenarios, the alternatives are worse. And by maintaining configuration metadata for everything, we can support both a Windows desktop client and a web client without coding all our customizations twice. And when a client asks for another label to be changed and for more alterations to the process flow, it doesn't require us to mess with the overall source tree and we don't have to go through a complicated deployment process -- we don't even have to recompile!

    The moral of the story: badly-thought-out softcoding is bad. But badly-thought-out anything is bad. Don't be afraid to use advanced, potentially-messy techniques in your code base. But only use them if they make sense for your situation, and prepare yourself for the landmines that come with that approach.

  • soru (unregistered) in reply to bd
    I would much rather update a row of data (a dollar amount threshold, for example, from 20,000 to 30,000) than to have to make a code change, get approval form 3 managers and a vp, go to a change control meeting, and then move the change through test, qa, then to prod.

    UPDATE business_rules_table_095 SET trading_exposure_limit = 999999999999 WHERE user_id is "Kerviel";

    Making business-critical values configurable in order to bypass a change control process is not without drawbacks.

  • China (unregistered) in reply to [ICR]

    That really depends on your definition of what a configuration file is. I would separate the configuration files into those that the user touches and those that they don't, and put the latter into a directory/regestry entry/etc called NOT_USER_MAINTAINABLE or some such.

    Give customers a tool to change the files with, if you intend to let them change the files. Even if it's just a text editor it'll make them think twice, and you should code it to restrict changes to the files you want them to change.

    Any customer has to take responsibility for their configuration changes, as set out in their license and service agreements. E.g. we use Oracle; if I make changes to any of the dozens of config files lying around the place I wouldn't expect Oracle Customer Services to bale me out when the database dies, I'd expect to revert my changes from the files stored in Subversion/CVS/etc.

  • moses (unregistered) in reply to TGnat

    i'd like to learn how to code it.

  • Uchuu (unregistered)

    I dont get get it: Why is "seconds = minutes * 60", read "seconds equals minutes times sixty" less "readable" than "seconds equals minutes times num_seconds_in_minutes"? those many, many constants just obfuscate what your code is really doing. If I am the reader of you code, if I want to understand and/or debug it, I have to "decode" the constant into the numerical value. I remember the example: someVar % NUM_DAYS_PER_WEEK == TUESDAY What if you somehow made a mistake there, that in your code you normally count the days from monday, but here from sunday? If I want to find this error, I have to follow the calculation - easier with numbers or with constants? There are very very good reasons for constants in the code, no doubt about that, but "one time constants" are sometimes, maybe on rare occasions, better of in the code with a comment aside them. "seconds equals thirty (minutes) times sixty" is easier to follow than "seconds equals thirty (minutes) times num_seconds_in_minutes"

    Well, on the subject itself: As far as I understood, like any programming technic, avoiding hard coding is good - if not taken to far. When it's taken to far, making things no longer better, but worse, Alex calls it "soft coding"

  • anon (unregistered) in reply to cparker

    Actually this is an excellent example why you shouldn't write something like

    enum { BILLION = 100000000 };

    Three consultants out of four probably cannot be bothered to look up the definition of BILLION. On their last day, they'll hear on the grapevine that this code came from the other side of the ocean, hopefully realizing the implications on their way home.

    Then again, there's a 50% chance your consultant will write 1000000000 anyway where he should have used BILLION, so when the definition of BILLION changes, you're hosed anyway.

  • Björn (unregistered) in reply to Ebs2002

    "Seriously, I think it's okay to use magic numbers in this case. I honestly don't see the need to have to change these any time soon."

    It is not about being able to change to numbers, but also about code readability. DAYS_IN_WEEK says something about why there is a "7" in the code.

    Obviously it still can be overdone, as in your ONE_MILLION example.

  • rene___ (unregistered)

    Very nice article.

    It's nice to read about stuff you go or have been through yourself.

    I agree to the people who wrote that writing boring applications - according to your specifications - shouldn't have to be boring.

    There will always be the possibility to pursuit perfection, it's only defined in another mater.

    The comments on the article were getting pretty nerdy, if you ask me. :-)


    René Vaessen.

  • DeeJay (unregistered) in reply to cparker

    I respectfully disagree. Number values surely aren't subject to localization? Surely you wouldn't write something like :

    if (population_of_country) > ONEBILLION ...

    The business rule calls for a value of 1 000 000 000 which is the same whatever nationality the developer is.

    And if you were going to start defining a constant for ONEBILLION would you then need to define constants for TWOBILLION, THREEBILLION ....

    There should never be constants defined like this. If someone only types 5 zeroes when they meant to test for 1 million, then that's a bug which should be caught by testing.

  • Old Fart (unregistered) in reply to Mr Steve
    Mr Steve:
    This article really gets to the heart of 'art of coding', that is finding the right balance between:

    saving time and money now (hard coding)


    saving time and money later (soft coding)

    for whatever weird reason, coders generally think in terms of soft coding and making great frameworks that will change the world! (just look at how many ajax frameworks and javascript form frameworks there are currently out there).

    that's only one side of the art

    people (publicly at least) say they dislike hard coding and hacks. personally i think that they're great. alot of the code that you currently write is for products that have a half life of less then 2 years. often there's no reason to abstract the hell out of your code cos your product will get binned and replaced, so your abstraction is simply a waste of time and energy.

    so it's important to be mindful of this and go for balance.

    i love u. r u still looking to have babies?

  • (cs)

    One common concern which this article did not address is the requirement to maintain distinct different versions of the business-rules over time.

    Such "hardcoding" is wonderbar if all you have to worry about is today (i.e. OLTP). However, if you need to maintain multiple versions of the logic (for different aged contracts, for example) you need to softcode everything, and I do mean EVERY single THING.

    Yep, that way lies maddness, but it's still better than the alternative... can you imagine maintaining every released version of "business rule" concurrently?

    Now there's a lovely bowl of petunias.

    Cheers all. Keith.

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