Some of you may remember when we discovered the for-case paradigm (or revisited more recently) a while back. I'm very excited today to announce the discovery of yet another "switch/case" structure abuse: the true-case paradigm. We can thank Chris for finding this "truly" creative misuse within his company's VB/ASP system ...
'objLoginValidation is a COM object that performs (surprise) login validation 'functionality, among other things. At this point in the code, we know there 'has been a login error and are checking to see what the problem was so that 'we can provide feedback to the user describing the problem (we only use the 'best security practices!). Select Case True Case objLoginValidation.error = LockedAccount DisplayLockedAccountError Case objLoginValidation.error = InvalidLastName DisplayInvalidLastNameError Case objLoginValidation.error = ClientWebAccessRevoked DisplayWebRevokedError Case objLoginValidation.error = InvalidPassword bIsSecondAttempt = True bDisplayPasswordReminder DisplayLogin Case Else DisplayGeneralError End Select
You may also be interested to know that, in addition to using the best security practices, the same devlopers would always make sure that variables were "cleared out" before using them. Just in case; you know, better safe than sorry ...
Dim strSQL strSQL = "" strSQL = "SELECT Column FROM TABLE1" ...strSQL = "" strSQL = "EXEC usp_MyStoredProc"