If you've been a reading this site for while, you probably remember the Pop-Up Potpourri (and the Redux) from a while back. Well, I've collected another good mix of messages, so here's episode three ...
I've heard a lot of people complain that when you make the tools to build software too easy to use, it ends up making bad code. I necessarily don't buy that argument, but I have to admit it's pretty convincing when people like Matt Groves send in things like SQL Server DTS Wizard complaining about valid code
Next up is one from Adam Meltzer, who found this rather pleasant message when installing FranklinCovey PlanPlus ...
Adam also shared a rather pecular case of Windows protecting itself from iteself ...
I have no idea who sent in this next one. But, let it serve as a warning to never not change your "show advanced options" ...
Senthoor was Java-ing away and ran into this warning from Eclipse. Just immagine what would happen if there was an error displaying that message ...
Now this next one is pretty common place to those of us who've worked with older versions of Visual Basic. I know I've run across it plenty of times. But it was John E. McAdams (along with like 3 other people) who thought to capture it and send it in ...
Wanna guess what happens when you click the HELP button? Anyway, it would seem that the "Error: No Error Occured" message is pretty commonplace. Erik Gillespie ran across this one in Rapid SQL ...
Then of course we have James who was "yelled at" for trying to delete files that exist. Aparantly he didn't realize that you should only delete files that don't exist ...
And I saved my personal favorite (from Tom) for last. I think it's the most informative error message ever.