These never get old for me. And surprisingly, I was able to collect a decent mix since the last Pop-up Potpourri.
We'll start with my personal favorite, from Craig Bowes ...
Now you're probably wondering why Craig used a camera instead of the Print Screen button. As it turns out, the globally-networked, coin-op arcade golf game only had a wheel-spinner-thingy and a few buttons -- none of which were labeled "PrtScr." But it makes you think ...
• Why was there no error handling to keep the message from the player, or for that matter, crash the entire game?
• Why is this golf game running a standard version of Windows, as opposed to the slimmed-down embedded version?
• Why does the golf game use web pages?
• Why does the golf games web pages need Javascript?
But at least some products know that they may be potentially buggy. Look at how surprised the source control plug-in was when Brett tried to connect to the SubVersion server ...
Next up is Gerard Aalbers, who came across this error in the IDE while developing an embedded application for a microcontroller. using MPLab IDE. It raises a rather deep philosophical question: how could a file without a name exist?
A lesser man may have panicked if presented with this rhetorical-ish question-like pop-up. Fortunately Phil stood strong and knew what to do ...
And finally, there's this message that Stewie got when trying to join two AVI files together. It just wasn't his day ...