Andy O. was tasked with porting a Pascal-based system running inside of an Atari-emulator to a more modern platform. Being neither a Pascal- or Atari-wiz, Andy was a bit weary of the project. "Don't worry," the original programmer reassured him, "everything should be clear." Andy's concern was assuaged for a little while, until he looked at the global declarations of the program ...
label 8888,9998,9999; const inpfl = ' input file: '; mdkfil___ = 'mdco___.mdk'; alfn = 'mdconvr.Ã '; { formerly .MFO, earlier .DAT } n_mtrls = 5; n_parms = 12; n_midsp = 2; idfirst = -3; n_strms = 3; sndf = 13; midf = 14; idflast = 14; {n_parms+n_midsp;sndf=parameter sound/controller; midf=param MidiChannel} n_prgs = 32; mx_mtrs = 6; mx_puls = 256; mx_scls = 6; mx_lyrs = 10; mouse_accel = 0.9; mouse_start_wait = 50 { ticks @ 5ms = 250ms }; mx_tnl_dg = 12; mx_chdsz = 3; mx_evt_dns = 24; mx_midO = 9; titY = mx_y; rt_X = 57; rt_Y = 14; ct_X = 41; tmA_Y = 22; tmZ_Y = 23; tmN_Y = tmZ_Y; upr_lnY = 334; lwr_lnY = 17; d_idfY = 13; d_rlgY = 10; Mpatches = 6; mtrl_dspW = 96; mtrl_dspH = 24; emxp = 32; { mx_puls/8 (s.above) } ln_pdqs = 40; {=mx_x/16} pdqadr_arrlen = 25600; { 64mx_y } tol_up_scn = 77; tol_dn_scn = 75; ord0 = 48; mx_outlen = 10; spd_up_scn = 72; spd_dn_scn = 80; mx_Fsh = 99; Fshsiz = 54; spd_hm_scn = 71; FshflInts = 5400; { = 100 flashes @ max 54 integers } insert_scn = 82; m5x = 5; v3 = 30003; mxprgF = 9; mxprkscF = 9; prompt_Y = 24; lgd_X = 26; bxp = #8; dmy_val = -999; stop_key = #27; wait_key = #32; bot_smt = -127; top_smt = 127; top1_smt = 128; n_smts = 255; dsp_wd = 32; pdq_wd = 16; pdq_ht = 8; mx_pdqs = 850; very_bot_pch = 0; very_top_pch = 127; bot = true; top = false; min_tol = 10; dft_tol = 40; max_tol = 255; blank = ' '; min_spd = 77; dft_spd = 100; max_spd = 300; n_cmdKys = 14; cmdKX = 9; mx_Mcmds = 8; Mwd = 16; b7 = 128; up = 1; mx_rand = 30000; mx_Mchns = 16; Mht = 9; Awd = 26; dn = 0; prompt_X = 5; xpr_qty = 3; xpr_pts = 100; mus_qty = 6; oba_ht = 20; nine_hrs = 32400; xpr_wd = 16; xpr_ht = 16; mus_ht = 16; ost_ht = 18; pdq_noct_ofs = 308; { 1st note+oct 'C=0'~'G=9' in .PDQ } pdq_nome_ofs = 292; { 1st notename 'A'~'G' in .PDQ } pdq_idvl_ofs = 437; { 1st allochdr '8.8' in .PDQ } pdq_hexn_ofs = 501; { 1st hexnumer '00'~'FF' in .PDQ } minPstr = '0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0'; { param.values min/dft/max } dftPstrL = '24 125 6 1 8 60 1 12 48 8 64 8 1 1'; dftPstrM = '18 125 12 2 6 60 2 10 60 12 66 8 1 2'; dftPstrR = '12 125 18 3 4 60 3 8 72 16 68 8 1 3'; maxPstr = '24 255 24 255 127 127 3 12 127 127 127 127 127 16'; maxP1 = 24; { must tally with start of 'maxPstr' } type str10 = string[10]; str20 = string[20]; str128 = string[128]; pdqtyp = array[1..pdq_ht] of integer; intfil = file of integer; pdqfil = file of pdqtyp; chr_set = set of char; byt_set = set of 0..127; b127arr = array[0..127] of byte; b255arr = array[0..255] of byte; dodex2 = array[0..11] of string[2]; key_arr = array[1..idflast,dn..up,1..n_strms] of char; strm_chr_arr = packed array[1..n_strms] of char; strm_int_arr = array[1..n_strms] of integer; strm_lnt_arr = array[1..n_strms] of long_integer; smt_byt_arr = packed array[bot_smt..top_smt] of byte; smt_int_arr = array[bot_smt..top_smt] of integer; smt_lntbuf = array[0..n_smts] of long_integer; parm_arr = array[1..n_parms] of integer; prmd_arr = array[1..idflast] of integer; xparm_arr = array[idfirst..idflast] of integer; xpryt = array[0..36] of integer; xpr_set = array[1..xpr_qty] of xpryt; xpr_lst = array[1..xpr_pts] of xpryt; i16arr = array[1..xpr_ht] of integer; prmV_rec = record num: strm_int_arr; vlu: array[1..n_strms,1..idflast] of integer; end; prmC_rec = record min_vlu,dft_L,dft_M,dft_R,max_vlu : prmd_arr; end; rhy_max_rec = record std,ofs,ndx : strm_lnt_arr; end; Tfil_rec = record fv: text; name,extn: string; stat: char; end; {b: stat} Ifil_rec = record fv: intfil; name,extn: string; stat: char; end; midicmd_rec = record botK,topK,qtyK,str_sl,parm,valu : integer; ctrlset : byt_set; got_cmd : boolean; scl_step,mtr_step,ins_step : real; prm_step : array[1..n_parms] of real; code : array[-n_mtrls..idflast,0..127] of integer; end; midIbx_rec = record X : array[0..mx_Mcmds] of integer; Y : array[0..mx_Mchns] of integer; end; button = record X,Y,W,H,bt_sz,bt_Xofs: integer; bt_styl: array[false..true] of integer; ltr: array[false..true] of char; alf,nu,on,busy: boolean; end; box = record X,Y,W,H: integer; held: boolean; end; mxFS01 = array[0..1] of mxFS; var dforce,y,tol_ms,t_str,tmr_scn,chdsz : byte; Cprm,Cch_buf,key,oct,fil_stat,outall_key, laT_key,laP_key,tol_up,tol_dn,clock_key, midO_tgl,midI_wip,spd_up,spd_dn,spd_hm, dsk,tmblk_key,scat_key,tmr_key,dmy_key, hlpK,final_key,next_key,boing_tgl : char; xplay_ok,play_ok,init_orch,Krpt_on,Fsh_recalled, xplaying,fobtained,fopened,new_input,prk_vgn, mdkfil_open,midOwing,idf_vgn,mdkfil_vgn,oba_vgn, dsp_boing,alfok,pdqok,Acting,Fshfl_open,exe_vgn, Mshudder,cmdKhelping,running,Fpicked,idp_ok,hrm_ok, mouse_hidden,mouse_forbidden,dsp_all_done,prk_ok, got_clcmd,got_kycmd,got_mdcmd,known,sending_outB, on_left_button,mdrg_new,flashed,inbx,was_inbx : boolean; z,a,q,S,mdmnX,mdmnY,mshp,lshp,pFprmp,pFprep, tol_Y,spd_Y,hdr_Y,idf_Y,ivl_Y,kyc_Y,clo_Y,mdn_Y,idvl_X, i,i_mdkfil,iC,err,vl,play_punct,i_xpr,lxx,lyy,xputval, i_cmdKyhlp,n_scls,n_mtrs,Tsc1,Tms1,Tsc2,Tms2,Fsh_chn, shap0,shap1,Csec,Cmsc,Cstr,Cvlu,Cpunct,SmidO, spd_pc,n_pdqs,kyc_hd,clo_hd,kyhd16,tmhd16,ctrldir, i_flmn,inflmn,x_Fsh,i_Fsh,r_Fsh,z_Fsh,Fsh_bytes,mxoutSln, start_sec,start_msc,dsp_sc,dsp_ms,ldsp_sc, lsec,lmsc,r_tnl_dg,intbuf,pchbuf,kysc,m_P,m_S, mtrl_lftX,mtr_topY,scl_topY,mouse_wait,hrmIDcod, prmpFs,prepFs,inpFs,kdamX,kdamY,inS : integer; prgbas,scdr0,lbuf : long_integer; start_time,stop_time,rbuf,r_byts : real; dflt_nam,Fshflnam : str20; tol_lgd,spd_lgd,pls_lgd,tme_lgd,tmA_lgd,tmZ_lgd,tmN_lgd, mid_lgd,cmd_lgd,idf_lgd,ivl_lgd,kyc_lgd,clo_lgd, mdn_lgd,hdr_lgd,sbuf,mdkfilnam,Mcmdstr,kdamS, mPmstr,mStstr,abskfldr, iFstr,zFstr,TOStr,prgnam,xputstr,prmpfldr,prepfldr : string; mdkfil : text; idpfil : Tfil_rec; hrmfil,prkfil : Ifil_rec; Fshfl : intfil; rhy_max : rhy_max_rec; prmC : prmC_rec; prmV : prmV_rec; midicmd : midicmd_rec; midIbx : midIbx_rec; RecO,SndO,TmeO,FshO,ThrO,HdrO, IdpO,HrmO,PrkO,StaO,DfRO : button; idvlbx,kyclbx,mdrgbx,outSbx, iFshbx,zFshbx,rmapbx,prmpbx,prepbx, idfrbx,midObx,helpbx,finpbx, idfKbx,Byt2bx,Malcbx,xputbx : box; ost_bx : array[1..n_strms] of box; chroma : dodex2; tol_pdq,spd_pdq,pdqbuf : pdqtyp; tim_set,mtr_set,out_set,Fsh_set, scl_set,pls_set,ins_set,mid_set, alc_set,ost_set, key_set,tgl_set,mtrl_set,dgt_set, biggest_set,meddle_set,oper_set : chr_set; idf0set,ivl0set,kyc0set,clo0set, idf_set,ivl_set,kyc_set,clo_set : byt_set; xpr_set1,xpr_set0 : xpr_set; { total set - each unique } xpr_lst1,xpr_lst0 : xpr_lst; { list in order of use } key_info,uprasc,unused,Uz,Uq,Ua : b127arr; swapky : b255arr; prm_key : key_arr; pls_len,cyc_len,mtr_no, set_pls,pls_ctr,scl_no, start_pls,old_chdsz, max_smt,min_smt,midOutY, top_pch,bot_pch,idfX,i_midO, dur_ctr,due_sec,due_msc, ostat,ostartpls : strm_int_arr; mtr_key,scl_key,pls_key, ins_key,mid_key,out_key, ost_tgl : strm_chr_arr; { packed array } hrm_prior : smt_int_arr; idfY,idf_hd,ivl_hd,idflgdX,idflgdY : xparm_arr; prmproc,preproc : mxFS01; Iflst : array[1..3] of mxFS01; n_puls : array[1..mx_mtrs] of integer; Mcmdarr : array[1..mx_Mcmds] of byte; mSt,mPm,nSt,nPm : array[1..mx_Mchns] of integer; cmdKstr : array[1..n_cmdKys] of string; titS : array['A'..'U'] of string; tgl_key,hxMchn : array[0..n_strms] of char; r_str,modamping,composing, vce_on,ins_up,mid_up : array[1..n_strms] of boolean; pchgvn : array[bot_smt..top_smt] of boolean; notename : array[0..127] of string[3]; flgdx_X,flgd_Y : array[1..3] of integer; { text coords } flgd,Ifldr,Ixt : array[1..3] of string[32]; ActO : array[idfirst..idflast] of button; idflgd,idfp : array[idfirst..idflast] of string[32]; strat : array[1..mx_mtrs,1..mx_lyrs] of byte; xpxR : array[0..mx_cols] of integer; ypxR : array[0..mx_lns] of integer; mdp : array[1..n_midsp] of integer; Fshbuf : array[1..FshflInts] of integer; midi_cmd : array[0..15] of char; qhx : array[0..15] of integer; pdq : array[1..mx_pdqs] of pdqtyp; xprI : array[1..xpr_qty] of i16arr; mcrs,mask : array[1..mus_qty] of i16arr; rmap : array[1..n_strms,8..15] of byte; rmapping : array[1..n_strms,8..15] of boolean; rmapX,B2pm : array[8..15] of integer; rmapY : array[1..n_strms] of integer; outS : array[1..n_strms] of string; outB : array[1..n_strms] of b127arr; oba,obaL,obaR : array[1..oba_ht] of integer; mtx5cod : array[0..7] of string; new_pch,old_pch : packed array[1..n_strms,1..mx_chdsz] of byte; damped : array[1..n_strms,0..127] of boolean; ost_on : array[1..n_strms,0..1] of boolean; nonpitch : array[1..n_strms,1..mx_chdsz] of boolean; dsp_done : array[1..n_strms,idfirst..idflast] of boolean; ostplsok : array[1..n_strms,1..mx_puls] of boolean; ostpch : array[1..n_strms,1..mx_puls,1..mx_chdsz] of integer; ost_chdsz : array[1..n_strms,1..mx_puls] of integer; rhy_ndx : array[1..n_strms,1..mx_puls] of long_integer; a_smt,z_smt : array[1..n_strms,1..mx_chdsz] of integer; pdqadr : array[0..pdqadr_arrlen] of integer; mtrdsp : array[1..mx_mtrs] of string; scldsp : array[1..mx_scls] of str128; idp,idpXmv3 : array[1..mx_mtrs,1..mx_puls] of integer; idpXv8 : array[1..mx_mtrs,1..mx_puls,0..mx_tnl_dg] of integer; prbzn_flr : array[1..mx_scls,0..mx_tnl_dg,bot_smt..top1_smt] of integer; prbzn_slice : array[bot_smt..top1_smt] of integer; i8p : array[1..n_strms,1..mx_puls] of integer; {attenuation bezogen} attfac1 : array[0..maxP1,0..mx_puls] of real; attfac2 : array[0..maxP1,0..b7] of real; ostfnt : array[0..1,1..18] of integer; { 18 = ost_bx[n].H (q.v.) } kdamH : array[1..24] of integer;