If you've ever posted a job opening in the newspaper or website, you're probably very familiar with the scan-and-trash technique of dealing with resumes. Half of the resumes I've filtered through shared this fate, many a result of the candidates’ difficulties in spelling the technologies they were proficient in (e.g.: Micro Soft Visuals: Basics, C, C+, C#, C++, Java, Internet). Rafael de la Torre was scan-and-trash filtering through a pile of resumes and stopped for a double-take on this Emule/Kazza-qualified candidate ...
Computer Science
- Programming : Average knowledge about programming in Visual Basic, C, PHP, HTML, SQL, Mysql, MS Dos.
- Databases: Average programming knowledge in Oracle 8.0,Visual Basic, Mysql.
- Networking: Average knowledge in network administration and setup.
- O.S.: Average knowledge in Windows and Linux: Redhat 7.0,Mandrake 8.0.
- Web Design: Average programming knowledge, http://some-ugly-as-hell-web-site-made-with-an-online-page-builder/
- Servers: Basic knowledge about web server administration (Apache), proxy server administration.
- Computer assembly and repair: Advanced knowledge as a technician, effective use of the Internet.
- Office suites: Word, Access, Excel, Power Point,Outlook.
- Others: Paint Shop Pro 7, PhotoShop, Emule, Kazza, Paint, WordPad, Acrobat Reader, Winzip, WinRar.
Needless to say, this resume never made it passed the scan-and-trash filter: Rafael need someone who knew how to use Notepad and Solitaire. Oh, and before you laugh at this candidate's MS Paint qualifications, consider that some of us highly value such expertise. Yours truly has actually been honored with the prestigious Microsoft MVP for MS Paint award for my commitment to the Paint community.