Unlike many of his fresh-out-of-college peers, Sam Snee is a developer who actually understands that he doesn't know everything. He recognizes that there are a whole lot of techniques, practices, and methodologies that he has yet to learn and keeps this in mind before screaming WTF when looking at his predecessor's code. No less, he was pretty sure that something just wasn't right when he kept seeing "triple-checks" within a 28,600-line dataset-building class he was maintaining ...
foreach(DataRow dr in organizations) { if ((bool)dr[FieldMap.Organization.is_active]) { if ((bool)dr[FieldMap.Organization.is_active]) { if ((bool)dr[FieldMap.Organization.is_active]) { addOrgRow(dr); } } } } /* ... Snip ... */ foreach(DataRow dr in tags) { if ((bool)dr[FieldMap.Tag.is_active]) { if ((bool)dr[FieldMap.Tag.is_active]) { if ((bool)dr[FieldMap.Tag.is_active]) { addTagRow(dr); } } } } /* ... Snip ... and More Snip ... */ foreach(DataRow dr in slates) { if ((bool)dr[FieldMap.Slate.is_active]) { if ((bool)dr[FieldMap.Slate.is_active]) { if ((bool)dr[FieldMap.Slate.is_active]) { addSlateRow(dr); } } } }