For many, many more, check out the previous article from the series, Pop-up Potpourri: It's Getting a Little NaN Outside
I suppose this is a bit late, but Richard was a little suspicious of some of the election results ...
Come on Rumo, you should know better; no fair downloading Microsoft Munchies 2.0 at work ...
Drew received this error when trying to submit the contact us form of a very well known car company. Poor customer.
I'll be the last person to complain about splelling errors, but there's a bit of irony about this message that Tom received from Nero Express ...
(emphasis added)
This was at the bottom of E.J. Gonzalez's October Bill. It's a good thing he didn't have a balance on the card ... I'd hate to see what 2004 years worth of finances charges would have added up to!
I hope John Rummell didn't pay too much for Enterprise Architect's **** INVALID KEY **** ...
I just hope that Evgeniy Vigovskiy had more fun with Skyfallen's Program Has Crashed ...
Chris wondered, but what if you click No? ...
You're right, Glen, that doesn't seem very sane ..
Sorry kids, looks like you missed Christmas by ... errr ... a good 1900 years or so ... (from Jeff)
That'll show Mykolas for walking away from his computer for a few hours; nVidia doesn't like being left alone ... especially with a weak power supply ...
James imagined how some might react to this: The Internet? Haven't used that in a while ... I have been using the Firefox though ...
Tsk, Tsk. Bad MsgID! No treat for you! (from Chady Kassouf)
As reported by Gideon Payne in the 11/17/2006 edition of Owensboro's Messenger-Inquirer, the sun is expected to stop by Earth some time on Monday night; temperatures may warm up a bit ...
Joe figures he'd best uninstall @!$#&%); it's taking a up a whole }}~&&^_!! bytes!
Incase you were wondering why entropy suddenly reverses itself every now and then, it's just Sam C, playing around with Thunderbird ...
Aww, come on everyone; let me and Mike Edwards in on your secret. How do you buy Pocket PC's from the future?
I don't really need one of these transistors that Scott S. is buying, but I'm really tempted to get one. It'd be awesome: a forty-ton object that takes up no space and costs only $1.80! Anyone got a free shipping coupon code I can use?