Given the fact that you're reading this publication, it's safe to assume that you are, at a minimum, a fairly savvy computer user. Things like ctrl-alt-deleting, printer installation, and email attachments -- considered by most as a form of fancy-schmancy wizardry -- come as second nature to you. Computers don't own you, you own them.

Now consider, as the savvy computer user you are, how you might react if you received the following dialog, as Y. Goldberg did, while logging in to your workplace computer in the morning. Just how long would wait before you were 100% confident that the update script pushed by IT the night before was really finished and that the dialog (which prevented any computer usage) was not automatically closed as a result of a bug in the script?


Now try to imagine just how long the average computer user would wait before believing that something went wrong. Add to that the average help desk technician who knows nothing about the update script and instructs the average user (calling, on average, an hour later) to just wait it out. Add to that the time it takes for the help desk to finally contact IT and the time it takes for them to confirm that the script, indeed, has a bug and requires that the user click OK. And finally, add to that the challenge of communicating the message of "just click OK" to all users across the organization *without* the use of email.

Now I have no idea what this all adds up to in lost productivity, but I'm pretty sure it's right around $64,000.

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