Originally posted in the sidebar, "Throgdor the Bold" was having a few JavaScript issues on Houston Chronicle's site and took a peek at the source code. At the bottom of their utils.js, he noticed this...
setTimeout(check4Dave,2000); function check4Dave() { if (document.cookie.match('ImDaveOhYeah')) { s=document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('script')); s.id='fs'; s.language='javascript'; s.src='http://www.chron.com/apps/emdjcs/specialDave.js'; } }
Following the link to specialDave.js leads towards a rather interesting script:
setTimeout(ImDave,(30000*Math.random())); function ImDave() { var DaveImgs = document.getElementsByTagName('img'); for (i in DaveImgs) { if (Math.random()<.35) { imgX = DaveImgs[i].offsetWidth; imgY = DaveImgs[i].offsetHeight; DaveImgs[i].src='http://www.chron.com/apps/emdjcs/Chiblingo_john_st_germain_17070a.jpg'; DaveImgs[i].width=imgX; DaveImgs[i].height=imgY; } } }
And if you're dying to know, this link has an onClick event that should show you what it's like to be Dave. Images required.
In the same thread, "bobday" also pointed out mcp.js from the Chron's site...
// Master Control Program // No one User wrote me. I'm worth a couple million of their man-years! ... function passPluck () { if (mcpdefaults['PLUCK'] === 0) {return 0;} var section = ''; try { section = SECTION; } catch (x) { return 1; } var ok = 1; return ok; }