"One of these icons closes the current window, one completely exits the program," observed Sam Oldak.
"Anna asked me if she was helpful and I tried to be honest," wrote Virginia, "Part of the problem could be she doesn't understand the most important word in the English language."
"I spotted this amazing offer in WH Smith a while back. I decided not to go for it though," wrote Colin Cameron.
"Not only do they not have technology to add spaces to their error messages," writes Aiden, "the monospace messages don't even fit in the div properly."
Daniel apparently likes to plan things well in advance.
Jack Botner received this less-than-stellar offer after purchasing an item on eBay.
"I thought I was just saving a nine page PDF, but I must've miscounted. Apparently the real number was 18,446,744,073,709,600,000," wrote Brett.
Steve Jones wrote, "The box it came in definitely implied that printing was a supported feature."