For many, many more, check out the previous article from the series, Pop-up Potpourri: The -693926 Days of Christmas
A lot of companies take that extra effort to handwrite the notes that their customers' enter online; it's a lot more personal than a print out. The Heavenly Ham delivery guy handing David Oranchak this personalized greeting from relatives. I think somewhere down the line they have a bug in translating their HTML ...
Chris wasn't too impressed with this Christmas present from the folks at I mean, the thought was there, it's just, well ... I'll just leave it at that ...
Attention Richard: Eli Yukelzon has been trying to get a hold of you ever since getting this error in Rise of Legends ...
Hey, no fair! For being a mysterious thing that's not supposed to exist, this message that Janey got is ... well ... not so mysterious.
That's right Yuvi, don't you even think about trying to remember that answer. There will be some serious consequences if Zone Alarm catches you ...
Stuart Cambell got a rather bizarre response when searching for "rights of private practice" at the Department of Health's website. And yes, as of this date, the error is a live one. Go ahead, search for something yourself.
It didn't really surprise Natasha that the turnout was so low; turns out they should have held Iraq Voting Registration in Baghdad, Tikrit, or, somewhere not 10,000 miles away ...
Good news, everyone! Uri discovered that pre-orders are now being accepted for the New London Fire's latest album. Get your order in soon.
Digital Rights Management is confusing for a lot of people, including Samuel Greenfeld. I'm not sure what's so hard to understand about it though ...
That's a good question, Luke Smith. I'm not really sure if More Wicked Words (an "erotic collection featur[ing] 20 stories") gets filed in the M's with Magic School Bus, or if it goes in the W's with Where The Wild Things Are ...
And I thought Chicago was the Windy City. At least Adrian Ritchie and all the other folks from Guernsey shouldn't have any trouble flying a kite ... with an 80,000 ton weight attached to it ...
I was just as surprised as Rick to see that Microsoft didn't have this article in English. I guess everyone would have to read it in English instead ...
Thankfully this didn't happen to ole' Sergey and Larry way back when. Erin, I guess you'll just have to try again ...
I wonder if Greenfield will be surprised that 100% of those surveyed, including Amanda, have no idea where their company is headquartered ...
People, please do not set your monitor's resolution to -1, -1. Sure, it's fun to watch your (well, your employer's) monitor implode into a single pixel, but the resulting singularity that gobbles up the rest of existence is a bit of an inconvenience for the rest of us. Thank you BCS for pressing "Cancel".