• (cs)

    Error: writing comment 1 : oh dear Comment deleted: bad reason I guess the calendar will go rather wonky after 2012, eh? Either that or there's a bug in Time Machine. As for the first article, why is the accompanying image a photo of policemen's backs?

  • Peter (unregistered) in reply to Eternal Density
    Eternal Density:
    As for the first article, why is the accompanying image a photo of policemen's backs?

    Well, I guess that since the photo of a policewomans front created all the trouble, the editors went out of their way to find an image of the exact opposite ...

  • Chowlett (unregistered)

    I want to know why Rob G submitted a picture that Ed L gets the credit for.

    Fixed! -ed.

  • (cs) in reply to Peter
    Eternal Density:
    As for the first article, why is the accompanying image a photo of policemen's backs?
    Well, I guess that since the photo of a policewomans front created all the trouble, the editors went out of their way to find an image of the exact opposite ...
    Maybe that's the line of policemen who didn't get to see the picture yet...?
  • (cs)

    The search ad is obviously pulling it's example from the page.

  • (cs)

    The news story headline should have read: "Beauty and the Breast"

    It appears the misrepresented date is on an Apple machine. How can that be? Mac never has errors. Mac never fails. Mac is perfect. {I need my medication}

  • (cs)

    Besides, TRWTF is the headline "Cop's internet breasts...". Firstly, they were her ordinary breasts, not a special pair she'd bought off the internet, so the phrasing is poor anyway, and secondly the word internet is misleading as the story doesn't say the picture was ever posted on the internet - it was circulated by email internally within the force.

    Admittedly, that also means that TRWTF is a jounalistic one, rather than an IT one, but having worked on a number of marketing campaigns I don't mind that ;^). Big props to Microsoft though, for having (what I assume is) a working context-adaptive advert. I'm going to have to browse like crazy now, trying to find other places with the same ad to see if I can make it say any other interesting things...

  • Bored (unregistered) in reply to Chowlett
    I want to know why Rob G submitted a picture that Ed L gets the credit for.

    If you look closely, poor Rob G gets no credit for anything at all. He supposedly submitted the "Bad reason" image credited to Tom M and the "Thought for the Day" credited to Ed L.

    In fact, what really should happen is a new DailyWTF category: the True Daily WTF when the editors blindly copy and paste code. It looks like it is a copy and paste error judging from the first credit - the australian breast story. But then again, everyone is looking for the view and passes over it. It took me a while to find the credits...

  • TraumaPony (unregistered)

    The REAL WTF is that Sydney isn't in Victoria.

  • distineo (unregistered)


  • Franck (unregistered)

    The real WTF is the scientology I just saw on the site. Come on, what were you smoking?

  • Bored (unregistered) in reply to Bored

    Awww... the WTF contained in the page has been removed without any comment and now people will think I am a retard if they read my earlier comment....

  • George (unregistered)

    So THAT's what Apple meant by "Time Machine".

  • Shadowman (unregistered) in reply to Bored
    I want to know why Rob G submitted a picture that Ed L gets the credit for.

    If you look closely, poor Rob G gets no credit for anything at all. He supposedly submitted the "Bad reason" image credited to Tom M and the "Thought for the Day" credited to Ed L.

    In fact, what really should happen is a new DailyWTF category: the True Daily WTF when the editors blindly copy and paste code. It looks like it is a copy and paste error judging from the first credit - the australian breast story. But then again, everyone is looking for the view and passes over it. It took me a while to find the credits...

    I don't know what you're talking about. You must be a retard.

  • Tei (unregistered)



  • (cs) in reply to Tei


    Heh, I just came in to post that. Google "Melissa Scannell".

  • Shill (unregistered) in reply to Eternal Density

    I thought Aussies had breasts on OTA TV and wouldn't get so excited over a picture of some boobs (the mammary glands that is, not the cops in the picture).

  • M.H. (unregistered) in reply to JimM

    You got to see the big picture... ;)

  • (cs)

    How do you get on the team investigating those breasts?

  • dali_bude (unregistered) in reply to Peter

    best comment on TDWTF so far

  • (cs)

    I don't see the irony in the last one... :-/ Anybody care to explain?

  • (cs) in reply to Isuwen
    The search ad is obviously pulling it's example from the page.
    Bob the Angry Flower would like a word with you.
  • Ilya Ehrenburg (unregistered) in reply to Zylon
    The search ad is obviously pulling it's example from the page.
    Bob the Angry Flower would like a word with you.
    I think it's been missing its point.
  • Mike Dimmick (unregistered)

    That service error would be much more helpful if they'd bothered to call FormatMessage. Then it would have said:

    "The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it."

    (net helpmsg 1058)

    FormatMessage is a bit tricky to use, but it's not that bad.

  • (cs)

    Personally, I miss the days of "Waaagh! Can't do shit right!"

  • disappointed googler (unregistered) in reply to QuinnFazigu

    Is that where all the fuss is about? They show more in tv shows for kids! (at least here in Holland)

  • (cs) in reply to Zylon
    The search ad is obviously pulling it's example from the page.
    Bob the Angry Flower would like a word with you.

    I prefer Strong Bad's way of explaining it:

    Oh, if you want it to be possessive, it's just I-T-S, but if it's supposed to be a contraction, it's I-T-apostrophe-S. Scalawag.
  • Smileylich (unregistered)

    I estimate July -2147483642, 41221 to be sometime in 5852966 BC. I corrected for leapyears and the 1/400 non-leapyears, but not beyond that.

  • Jon (unregistered) in reply to Pidgeot
    The search ad is obviously pulling it's example from the page.
    Bob the Angry Flower would like a word with you.
    I prefer Strong Bad's way of explaining it
    I recommend the FAQ for alt.possessive.its.has.no.apostrophe.
  • (cs) in reply to Smileylich
    I estimate July -2147483642, 41221 to be sometime in 5852966 BC. I corrected for leapyears and the 1/400 non-leapyears, but not beyond that.
    Ahh, so back before the Ancients flew Atlantis off to the Pegasus Galaxy. Those are some pretty old pictures! (Glad to see I inspired some blue comments)
  • jsf (unregistered)

    Thought of the day:


  • Annoyed (unregistered)

    I have no idea that Mac exist back in 5842295 BC... Someone brought that back with Argivian Restoration?

    Now we have evidence the ancient civilization exists.

  • (cs) in reply to JimM
    ... secondly the word internet is misleading ...
    OK, I take that back since a couple of people have now posted a link to the picture, which clearly is on the internet; however, I'll replace it with "the word breasts is misleading" - you only see one breast, and in a side view, not a frontal. I've seen fully dressed women showing more breast than that!
  • AdT (unregistered) in reply to Smileylich
    I estimate July -2147483642, 41221 to be sometime in 5852966 BC. I corrected for leapyears and the 1/400 non-leapyears, but not beyond that.

    The average year in the Gregorian Calendar has 365.2425 days*, so using this for extrapolation yields about 5838389 B.C.

    *) 365 regular days, extra day every 4 years, except every 100 years not, except every 400 years anyway :-)

    By the way, the average vernal equinox year has about 365.2424 days, so Gregor wasn't that far off.

  • (cs)

    I looked into this and found a) this is over a year old and b) I've been to the town this happened in several times.

  • Coleman Kane (unregistered)

    Yeah we all had a good laugh when our BB system remapped "cocktail table" to "male genitiliatail table". It actually became the new project name, which lives on...

  • Hamstray (unregistered)

    the real WTF is that it doesn't automatically suggest an image search.

  • Jon (unregistered) in reply to Coleman Kane
    Coleman Kane:
    Yeah we all had a good laugh when our BB system remapped "cocktail table" to "male genitiliatail table". It actually became the new project name, which lives on...
    Well, that's just silly. Everyone knows it should be "roostertail table."
  • lantastik (unregistered) in reply to QuinnFazigu


    Heh, I just came in to post that. Google "Melissa Scannell".

    I am so glad I am not the only perv. I was going through the comments to justify my obscene curiosity. Thank you sir, you have made me feel great about being a man again.

  • Global Warmer (unregistered) in reply to QuinnFazigu


    Heh, I just came in to post that. Google "Melissa Scannell".

    Damn.... Nice teets

  • Benjamin (unregistered) in reply to Peter
    Eternal Density:
    As for the first article, why is the accompanying image a photo of policemen's backs?

    Well, I guess that since the photo of a policewomans front created all the trouble, the editors went out of their way to find an image of the exact opposite ...

    ... as he had to - the journalist ought to provide space for the opposite view.

  • Anon (unregistered) in reply to Tei

    Actually I think it's: More NSFW

  • Anon (unregistered) in reply to Anon

    Bleh, stupid imageshack: Still NSFW

  • Douglastab (unregistered)

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