• (disco)

    can you try to send that extra param for embeds?

  • Miriam (unregistered)

    Frist (not)

    Just a small note: http://www.sun.com takes you to ... ORACLE! Microsoft's helpful solution might actually be helpful and not a WTF.

  • Miriam (unregistered) in reply to Miriam

    (I am too dumb to use a keyboard)

    Of course, Oracle being Oracle, we can't really expect them to be any help.

    The Norton thing is scary though. I always thought that simple ad displaying computers wouldn't actually need antivirus software because there shouldn't even be a way to put malicious files on them. Yet Symantec seems to actually earn money with them.

  • the beholder (unregistered)

    TWELVE dialog boxes, Kevin K. Not thirteen.

  • n/a (unregistered)

    get Message Error(Comments)!!!

  • (disco)

    I don't get the WinSCP error: so there's a directory that doesn't exist. Why is this a WTF?

  • (disco) in reply to lcrawford
    I don't get the WinSCP error: so there's a directory that doesn't exist. Why is this a WTF?
    I see you've applied Occam's Razor. Good job. Nicely fitting.
  • (disco)

    So I tried to copy 25055-9HbnmgAAAAAAAAAA-6be65a29-dfcd-42be-8863-d4b65d8040f2.png over with WinSCP to our linux machine.

    Got the error "Directory 'Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem' doesn't exist."

    Created the directory 'Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem' on our linux machine. Tried again. Couldn't reproduce the error.

    Ticket closed. Can't reproduce.

  • (disco) in reply to lcrawford

    "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem" is Latin. Google translate gives me "Entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity". So I guess that the copy operation failed because it was trying to copy to a folder named after a latin error message.

  • (disco)

    If I were the Government if Western Australia's Department of Housing, I would feel a wee bit offendend by that Norton Security warning on my add.

  • (disco) in reply to Luhmann
    "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem" is Latin. Google translate gives me "Entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity". So I guess that the copy operation failed because it was trying to copy to a folder named after a latin error message.

    Or it's an overly smug way of saying "file already exists"

  • (disco) in reply to Luhmann
    "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem" is Latin. Google translate gives me "Entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity". So I guess that the copy operation failed because it was trying to copy to a folder named after a latin error message.
    Or it's an overly smug way of saying "file already exists"
    You mean, because **File iam** would be too concise?
  • (disco) in reply to faoileag
    I would feel a wee bit offendend by that Norton Security warning on my add.

    I'd feel a bit offended by Norton Security... Also, why is an advertising company using a consumer, home grade AV product on an advertising billboard? It should either have a managed "enterprise" product, or no AV at all.

    Also, is there some keyboard shortcut for "delete everything I wrote" in Discourse? I've had quite a few posts randomly go blank while typing, and as far as I'm aware, I'm not accidentally hitting CTRL-A.

  • CAPTCHA: tation (unregistered)

    Well Discourse seems to be back. I sort of like the fact it comes and goes as it pleases and when it does, it just takes over and thinks everybody is its slave. In a way, it's just like a cat.

  • (disco) in reply to Onyx

    I exists, therefor I am a subdirectory.

  • (disco)

    XI. Commentationes non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem

  • (disco)

    I see we are all back on this course to comment on that article.

  • (disco) in reply to Nagesh
    I see we are all back on this course to comment on that article.

    I you wish we can go for another round of bashing on Discourse. Or let's bang on PHP today ... that seems like ages ago.

  • (disco) in reply to Luhmann
    I you wish we can go for another round of bashing on Discourse. Or let's bang on PHP today ... that seems like ages ago.

    I go first. TRWTF is discourse.

  • (disco)

    Damn. I was actually about to say I was surprised that nobody had dissed Discourse (...Disscourse?) yet. Nagesh'd again!

  • (disco) in reply to Nagesh
    I see we are all back on this course to comment on that article.

    Dis course or dat course.

  • (disco)

    Windows 7 came out while it was still owned by Sun. If you don't update your OS how can you blame Microsoft for that?

  • uxor (unregistered)

    ...or a woman. ;-)

  • (disco) in reply to KCDeVoe

    And for the most part, the Sun Java urls just redirect to the correct url on Oracle's servers. It's how the internet is supposed to work. Where's the WTF?

  • (disco) in reply to xacheron

    I like this. :thumbsup:

  • (disco) in reply to Nagesh
    I see we are all back on this course to comment on that article.

    Well, this is where the comment's link leads to, so where else should we go?

  • (disco)

    Flame on!



  • (disco) in reply to greg

    So, new users can't post images, upload attachments, and can't post more than two links in one post.

    What keeps me from posting multiple posts to get around that? An annoying dialog.





  • (disco) in reply to greg

    I think reading some more posts/topics/threads/whatever the fuck they're called here will get you up to "regular user" status pretty quickly.

  • (disco)

    Discourse works fine on BoingBoing. I'm surprised people here are having problems.

    I find it highly ironic that Discourse was designed to foster more civil conversations but here it's nothing but endless uncivil bitching. ;)

  • (disco) in reply to taiki
    here it's nothing but endless uncivil bitching.

    You must be new here.

  • (disco) in reply to mikeTheLiar
    You must be new here.

    Given that he/she/it just joined two hours ago, I'd say that's a "yes."

  • (disco) in reply to mikeTheLiar

    Thanks for the tip!

    I am was very excited to try discourse when I first read about it. Hopefully my general bitching^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H bug reports will help turn it into a great platform.

  • (disco) in reply to HardwareGeek
    Given that he/she/it just joined two hours ago, I'd say that's a "yes."

    There's always the lurker option. There seems to be a significantly larger number of lurkers than active posters.

  • (disco) in reply to taiki
    I'm surprised people here are having problems.

    Well, we are a group of very technical people who love tearing stuff apart, so we've found plenty of bugs. As for most of the "uncivil bitching", that comes from two places:

    • That's just the way we are. Since you appear to be new, welcome. I recommend you get used to the environment quick, or leave while your sanity is still intact.
    • Many just don't like the way Disscourse works. That fact that @codinghorror and @sam see it as the "one true way" for forums isn't helping the adoption process.
  • (disco)

    I like the SourceTree one. If it fails, try, try again.

  • (disco) in reply to tin
    Also, is there some keyboard shortcut for "delete everything I wrote" in Discourse? I've had quite a few posts randomly go blank while typing, and as far as I'm aware, I'm not accidentally hitting CTRL-A.

    I think it might have been Ctrl+Z / Alt+Backspace / something similar to that. I once tried to undo a multiple-typo in my last word, and it promptly undid the whole "previous action", which apparently was "typing any number of paragraphs into the reply box". At least it taught me never to try the undo function without previously having Ctrl+A & Ctrl+C. :D

    Update: this issue was already reported 15 days ago... And Jeff's reply was supportive, so it makes sense it has been fixed by now.

  • (disco) in reply to HardwareGeek
    Given that he/she/it just joined two hours ago, I'd say that's a "yes."

    There's also a big difference between the forums and the front page, where you used to be able to (and may again) post anonymously. Putting them both on discourse is resulting in a lot more mixing of front pagers with forumers.

  • (disco) in reply to abarker
    I recommend you get used to the environment quick, or leave while your sanity is still intact.

    You don't have to be crazy to post here, but it sure helps!

  • (disco) in reply to boomzilla
    There's also a big difference between the forums and the front page, where you used to be able to (and may again) post anonymously. Putting them both on discourse is resulting in a lot more mixing of front pagers with forumers.
    Most likely, to me, is that he/she/it is a front-pager who just registered to comment here, and has not been reading the ranting here until today.
    There's always the lurker option. There seems to be a significantly larger number of lurkers than active posters.
    Of course, but I would think that less true on Discurse* [sic] than CS. Discurse makes it very hard to keep track of what you've read unless you are logged-in.

    * That started out as a typo, but I decided not to fix it.

    You don't have to be crazy to post here, but it sure helps!

    If you're not, you soon will be.

  • (disco)

    If I scroll down to the bottom, it says 35 of 35. If I scroll up to the top it says 5 of 35. If I scroll to bottom, hit up arrow, it says 5 of 35. If I hit up arrow twice it says 1 of 35. If I scroll down 1 click, it goes from 1 of 35 to 6 of 35.

    Discourse fails math?

  • (disco) in reply to greg

    Fwiw, wtf1 is by design. The URL contains the id in case previous posts get deleted, but the progress indicator counts the visible posts.

    wtf6 : having this restriction for our forum must be just for entertainment purposes only. Kind of a contest: how many ways can you find to include links to "that host" in your post! :smiling_imp:

    PS: wtf7: [image]

  • (disco) in reply to c__

    That's easy : having

    Type type type.... type a smily, engages smily code. Tries to find a smily. Finds one smily, it found the smily, it is done. :smile:

    :-) >:) >):) ): >:-) ...?

  • (disco) in reply to c__

    I was illustrating that the counter was not keeping up with the post count even when you are viewing said post. For example, this post is #41, but the progress bar says 39 of 39.

  • (disco) in reply to abarker

    I finally created an account here (instead of just reading) just so that I can say the Discourse is TRWTF. I'd prefer not to have my browser history sporged, thank you.

  • (disco) in reply to Luhmann

    I think that it might be the MOTD on the unix machine, and that it's somehow confusing WinSCP. And that WinSCP is deciding to ssh in and parse the results, rather than sticking with the capabilities that scp offers (it's the ssh protocol, but used differently). Which would mean that the error is an indication that it is of true WTF standard, and not just an Error'd candidate. :open_mouth:

    Congrats to Pawel on that one.

  • (disco) in reply to greg
    For example, this post is #41, but the progress bar says 39 of 39.

    Actually, it's "post with id 41", out of 39 existing (not-yet-deleted) posts... And no matter how many of the previous posts will get whacked, it will still be "post with id 41", even if only 15 total posts survive. Or is your point something completely different, and i'm too thick to get it?

    I'd prefer not to have my browser history sporged, thank you.

    Partially agree... But for the record, i've been using private browsing for a few months/years now. Discourse is not the first javascript-gone-crazy PoS that messes with my environment.

  • (disco) in reply to c__
    Or is your point something completely different, and i'm too **pedantic** to get it?


  • (disco) in reply to c__

    I get it now. I wasn't thinking of the URL parameter in terms of immutable IDs.

  • (disco)

    The first Error'd for LG Electronics doesn't surprise me in the least. Their merchant side website is a HUGE pile of :poop:!!

    1. To download invoices: You need to install a borked "viewer" that has documentation only in Korean, is POM dependant as to whether or not it will run with any version of Java, and when it does "work"… 50+% of the time it produces a completely moji-baked pdf that is completely useless— ~25% of the time it looks just fine in every pdf viewer but prints moji-baked. You have a 1-in-4 (approx) chance of actually getting your invoices.

    2. The website is "Internet Explorer" only.

    3. Has right-click disabled, on a site where copy and paste of PO/Invoice/Credit Memo/ACH draft/RA numbers (16+ alphanumerics) would immensely facilitate website workflow.

    4. You need to print the web pages so you have backup proof that the website never showed a given invoice—so you couldn't print it to match, enter, and set to pay.

    5. The :poop: doesn't stop with the website: They hire the terminally stupid in their A/R department and if for example you have more $$ available in credit memos than you owe in invoices, you better pay the invoices (even if you end up doing a 1ȼ ACH or cheque after washing the invoices with CMs) or it's "Credit Hold" time. Their A/R drones can't manage to apply a payment correctly half the time even with a remittance receipt. They'll short ship a PO, invoice you for the whole "#!", then send another invoice (with a shiny new invoice number) for the product they did send; never revoking the first invoice and if you don't call to complain about the first invoice and get it revoked manually - just never pay it → "Credit Hold"!

    Thank Crom their products are generally top rate, and their warranty service side knows what it's doing ( their parts department is "see notes 1—5", however).

    Guess who I spent most of today arguing with... :frowning: (now to chug more :beers: to drown the sorrow)...

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