• Peter (unregistered) in reply to Anonymous
    No, my point was that the WC3 validator is retardedly strict. Duh.
    That must be an oxymoron because I have never met a strict retard. They always seem very chilled out to me, not to mention happy judging by that simpering smile on their faces. In fact, I can't even think of a group who are less strict than retards. Totally inappropriate metaphor.
    oxymoron: figure of speech with pointed conjunction of seemingly contradictory expressions.

    Since your point is that "retarded" and "strict" are genuinely contradictory terms, oxymoron is not the correct word to use.

  • caffeine (unregistered) in reply to Peter
    oxymoron: figure of speech with pointed conjunction of seemingly contradictory expressions.

    Since your point is that "retarded" and "strict" are genuinely contradictory terms, oxymoron is not the correct word to use.

    pedantmoron: one who is unimaginative or who unduly emphasizes minutiae in the presentation or use of knowledge, but is erroneous in doing so...


  • Anonymous (unregistered) in reply to Peter
    No, my point was that the WC3 validator is retardedly strict. Duh.
    That must be an oxymoron because I have never met a strict retard. They always seem very chilled out to me, not to mention happy judging by that simpering smile on their faces. In fact, I can't even think of a group who are less strict than retards. Totally inappropriate metaphor.
    oxymoron: figure of speech with pointed conjunction of seemingly contradictory expressions.

    Since your point is that "retarded" and "strict" are genuinely contradictory terms, oxymoron is not the correct word to use.

    You got me, I should have said "a contradiction in terms". It was inappropriate of me to start talking about unintelligent ketones.

  • Sławek (unregistered)

    I believe, that

    strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong
    CSS style differs from
    strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong

  • wurzelsepp (unregistered) in reply to MuTaTeD
    I might be blind for not seeing any sequence of on the source of the linked web page

    Is this a joke?

    Did u check the source of the site to see if this WTF was really there or may be the Koreans are really great web developers that they updated their site within 5 minutes of your post


    The same here. Almost no "strong"-Tag at all in their source code. Seems like a lame joke.

  • Matt Westwood (unregistered) in reply to The Nerve
    The Nerve:
    With nothing else to do at work, I had to resort to a history of North Korea and ran across this:


    when Capt. Bonifas again turned his back on him, Pak removed his watch, carefully wrapped it in a handkerchief, placed it in his pocket, and then shouted "Kill them!" as he swung a karate chop to the back of Capt. Bonifas' neck.
    While Capt. Bonifas died instantly...
    Good form! Even a double-chop by Captain Kirk is only designed to render its victim unconscious.

    But we know how to respond to that: 64 special forces with M-16s, grenade launchers, and claymore mines; A 165mm gun, 20 utility helicopters, and 6 Cobra attack choppers, B-52 bombers escorted by F-4 and F-5 fighter jets; 12,000 troops, 1,800 marines; 16 engineers, two platoons. They went to the middle of that bridge and chainsawed that m-fin tree down!

    Wonderful! Enough to make me want to watch the reruns of MAS*H again.

  • Matt Westwood (unregistered) in reply to Gram ma
    Gram ma:
    Rick O'Shea - pshaw right. like that's real.

    Next you'll have a post from Faye Kearings, Hugo First and Cliff Topp.

    ... Hugh Janus, Mike Hunt ... the list goes on. Just wait for all those people who remember working with or for Richard Head.

  • wesen (unregistered)

    there are 10 elements in the first strong block. Man, it is to strong

  • Mo (unregistered)


    that's the original web of north korea

  • (cs) in reply to Matt Westwood
    Matt Westwood:
    Gram ma:
    Rick O'Shea - pshaw right. like that's real.

    Next you'll have a post from Faye Kearings, Hugo First and Cliff Topp.

    ... Hugh Janus, Mike Hunt ... the list goes on. Just wait for all those people who remember working with or for Richard Head.

    Actually, I used to work for Richard Weede. True story.

  • (cs)

    Alex, are you STRONG enough to take their revenge for laughing at their website?

  • <strong> (unregistered)

    very strong =))

  • (cs)
    Doesn't really look like this is actually North Korea's website, registered to some dude in spain:

    Ooooo...It's a false-flag web site!

  • (cs)

    You want , , , , , , and without the ?

    You mean you want , , , , , and ?


    (North Koreans in the background start singing. , , , . Lovely ! Wonderful !)

  • (cs)

    It gets only worse. The Spaniard responsible for this is, according to wikipedia, "an IT consultant". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alejandro_Cao_de_Benos_de_Les_y_P%C3%A9rez

  • Peter Nikolow (unregistered)

    Someone hacked Bulgarian page and sell Laptops...


  • Shinobu (unregistered) in reply to Steve The Cynic

    In Dutch you have the following similar words: laten = to allow someone to do something, to allow something to happen, &c. laten = to refrain from doing something (pronounced and written exactly the same) beletten = to prevent someone from doing something

  • Ali (unregistered)

    Registration Service Provided By: AXARNET COMUNICACIONES SL Contact: +34.902120769

    Domain Name: KOREA-DPR.COM

    Registrant: korea-dpr.com #22562 Alejandro Cao de Benos de Les Perez ([email protected]) Calle President Companys 4-8 Torredembarra -Tarragona ,43830 ES Tel. +34.616496994

    Creation Date: 08-Aug-2000 Expiration Date: 08-Aug-2011

    Domain servers in listed order: ns2.losdns.net ns1.losdns.net

  • decent leader (unregistered)

    That page used to be Hosted here in Japan by the many North Korean spies who live here completely over-cover with privileged status under Japanese law.

    However, that guy basically works for free, pays for the server and even gives NK money. All for a uniform and a few medals. --And all the NK girls say he's pretty fly for a white guy--

    BTW, there is/or used to be a section on NK software(It can be bought in Japan, China or SK). Unfortunately, they don't seem willing to share its source for free for us to comment on its inspiration from the philosophy of Juche.

    tation - rep u?

  • Ajtacka (unregistered) in reply to Anon
    Mason Wheeler:
    I take it that "Rick O'Shay" is a pseudonym? I can do you one better: I've done some work in the past for Hanson Aggregates and their CEO is called Patrick O Shea. "Patrick" naturally contracts to "Rick" so his honest-to-God name is "Rick O Shea". Best name ever.

    I thought Patrick naturally contracts to "Pat"...

    Exactly, AFAIK, Rick is a short form of Richard. I've never heard of a Patrick going by Rick rather than Pat. I guess maybe if you were concerned about the androgynous nature of Pat, you might choose Rick instead?

    If you don't want to use Pat, there's always Paddy.

  • Aalf (unregistered)

    <yawn> Whatever </yawn>

  • Aalf (unregistered) in reply to Aalf
    <yawn> Whatever </yawn>

    I mean, some dude wrote some retarded HTML somewhere. Maybe he had a braindead moment, maybe it was 4 am in the morning and he was trying to stay awake. Maybe he was just bored. This is in no way visible to the user, and the page is looking quite good. So WHO CARES?

  • Anonymous (unregistered) in reply to Aalf
    <yawn> Whatever </yawn>

    I mean, some dude wrote some retarded HTML somewhere. Maybe he had a braindead moment, maybe it was 4 am in the morning and he was trying to stay awake. Maybe he was just bored. This is in no way visible to the user, and the page is looking quite good. So WHO CARES?

    You seem to care enough to write that reply :/

  • Kim Jong Il (unregistered)

    The best part is that it should no longer be considered the official website for the DPRK. In fact that honor belongs to http://www.kcckp.net. Check it out for yourselves, it's a good laugh at best and a hell of a lot nicer looking that the crap Alejandro is putting out.

  • NotARobot (unregistered)

    Best Korea is POWERFUL STRONG. Impressive.

  • ay ay ay (unregistered)

    Eso es lo que te pasa, que sólo lees. Y lo que lees, poco y malo, apenas sí te ilustra.

    En fin, qué tontería más grande.

  • ay ay ay (unregistered)

    Eso es lo que te pasa, que sólo lees. Y lo que lees, poco y malo, apenas sí te ilustra.

    En fin, qué tontería más grande.

  • RvW (unregistered) in reply to Richard P.
    Richard P.:
    Okay, this might sound weird... but could we help them making a better website?

    We could give them one monkey and one typewriter, that should produce a better site.

    The W3C HTML validator disagrees.
    I like this error, which I'd never seen before:
    Line 381, Column 693: number of open elements exceeds TAGLVL (100)
  • buttons (unregistered)

    these are the free flash buttons from dreamweaver hahahaha

  • Andrew (unregistered) in reply to Mo

    that's the original web of north korea

    That website is somewhat WTF-worthy itself. I mean, look carefully at the upper left section of the top navigation bar.


    Why the hell is there a white droplet coming off it every second or so? O_o

    Captcha - Populus (good game)

  • South != North (unregistered)

    Man, don't mess North Korea (commies!) with South Korea (mass gamers). It's like talking about Latin America instead of USA...

  • Dimskiy (unregistered)

    So I just went to that website. I viewed source and FireBugged it. I don't see any strong tags in there.

  • Peter Wolff (unregistered) in reply to tim
    Though, in fairness, who are we to question such STRONG web design? Dear Leader is, after all, an internet expert.

    The W3C HTML validator disagrees.

    That means, the W3C HTML validator has to be adjusted. And the W3C staff too, of course. The Leader is ALWAYS right. (I'm a German, so I know what I'm talking about.)

    Btw, if you speak Latin and Greek, "Democratic People's Republic" translates in your head to "People-governed People's People's Affair", to make the point really .

  • Equius Zahhak (unregistered)

    D--> I approve of this STRONG code.

  • (nodebb)

    very nice design

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  • Xu65Toy (unregistered)
    Comment held for moderation.
  • (nodebb)
    Comment held for moderation.
  • luciya (unregistered)
    Comment held for moderation.

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