As most of you know, this last month I have been running another Kickstarter campaign, Programming Languages ABC++: an alphabet book all about programming.

In the same spirit as Release!, and The Daily WTF, this project focused on the culture that surrounds our day jobs. Specifically in this case, it was all about getting kids interested in what we do.

It turns out that a lot of people were pretty into the idea. We hit our goals in under 2 days, and for the last month have hit every stretch goal we set within hours of posting them.

We still have through Thursday to drum up as much support as we can, so please check it out, and share it with friends.

I wanted to put one last plug here because I am genuinely proud of this little book. I think it will really do its job and help to get kids excited about the idea of growing up to be a developer. Plus, I think it would make a pretty cool coffee table book for grownups too.

Thanks so much,


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