Jake Vinson

Jul 2008

That's Not Part of Our Testing

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It wasn't often that Marcus saw his boss Harry scrambling to reach the mute button on his phone, simultaneously erupting into convulsing laughter. Between gasps for breath, he heard Harry say "bestiality" only to start laughing even harder.

Marcus, Harry, and company had recently gotten a contract to do security analysis for a mid-sized document management firm that we'll call Initrode. Their primary contact was Brad — a well-intentioned but scatterbrained (read: borderline incompetent) employee. Marcus would be working on penetration testing for Initrode's network. So why was Harry laughing? Well, it all started earlier that day.

The Lesser Date

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Generally when Jared has to compare two dates, he'll do something simple like "if (date1 < date2) ..." A contractor no longer under his company's employ had his own unique approach...

WTF-U's Typing Test

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How fast can you type? Probably pretty fast, if you're reading this site. If you're like me, 294 words per minute*. Honest! I just timed myself!
*294WPM is based on repeatedly typing the word "a" for a minute straight. I had 100% accuracy with the "a"s, but sometimes hit the spacebar twice by accident.

Not only can I type pretty fast, but most of the time I'm not even looking at the keybiurd or the screem! Same goes for James G., who had to pass a typing exam (or take a touch-typing class) during his first semester of college. As a geek, he wasn't worried. With all the typing that comes with being a programming major — hell, all the typing that comes with being a student, he had nothing to fear. And with his confidence he'd never even considered signing up for the touch-typing class (plus he'd already taken a touch-typing class way back in junior high). Wanting to get the it out of the way, he signed up for the first available time to take the test.

Nepotism Trumps Interview

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Simon had a great job. Every day he was playing with cool hardware and software, he liked his colleagues, and the pay... well... OK, he was underpaid. Vastly underpaid. While his company made good on their promise to give him a raise once he got a C certification, it was an insulting two figures. Simon would've felt less insulted if they'd literally slapped him in the face (instead of figuratively). It didn't take him long to line up some interviews and get a job offer for a position that sounded just as interesting, with the added benefit of a reasonable level of compensation.

Once Simon made his intentions to leave clear, his boss started worrying — they needed someone to take over for Simon, and not having any spare staff, they had to hire someone quick. Simon's boss pulled him aside and asked him to draft a test with some basic questions to weed out the hacks.

That Would've Been an Option Too

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Wilhelm isn't really much of a smiler. Nor was he much of a laugher. Nor a crier, scowler, or high-fiver. He seemed to only be capable of two emotions: "emotionless" or "asleep."

He's of the opinion that programming has gotten too easy in recent years, not like it was back in his day when programmers were programmers. A time before garbage collectors, transactions, protected memory, fancy IDEs with fancy integrated debuggers — nowadays developers have it too easy.

The Starting Salary and More

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The Starting Salary (from Steve)
After a massive layoff during the dot com crash years, I had gotten used to my employers closing their doors after just two years. At the same time, I had no trouble finding employment in other web design companies.

One of the interviews I got was so ridiculous, I couldn't believe I had wasted my time there. It started off pretty well, I was asked about my experience in web design, integration, Flash, etc. They joked about my previous employers going out of business while they've been in the game for 20 years or something.

A Training Issue

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"Oh, hey, that's weird." One of Initrode Global Insurance's accountants spotted an error on a printout of the previous day's sales report during her daily review. She dug through her records and tried to isolate the small, but still troubling, discrepancy between the totals. After reading through several previous days' reports and asking around, she couldn't find anything that could've caused the error. She circled the incorrect number, wrote the correct total, and took it to her boss's office.

"Hey, that's weird," her boss said. After checking and rechecking, it was clear — this was a problem with the report generated by the big iron (an IBM mainframe). After making the rounds in accounting and then through IT, it was ultimately put on a low level programmer's desk for him to investigate.


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In early 2004, John was living it up in Argentina at a startup working on a VCI product. For those unfamiliar with Value Chain Integration, in layman's terms it synergizes backward overflow while optimizing cardinal grammeters in addition to allowing customers to parabolize slithy toves at the least embiggoned cost possible. The software's development was handled in Argentina, though there were offices around the globe. They were just starting to pull together a real, live QA team to replace the last QA team (one guy in one of the US offices). They were happily building their software, expanding the team, burning through their VC capital, and entertaining dreams of a huge IPO.

It didn't take long to assemble a full QA team — everyone was excited to work at a startup that was so full of potential. After some brief training, the new QA team was turned loose to do their worst to the in-development application. In a few days, the bug list had more than quadrupled in size. Developers cranked out fixes, and the testers found more bugs.

PICKing Javascript

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Originally posted to the Sidebar by "hulver"...

At my new job, they had been having some problems with email events on a "special" PICK-based web application. When something happened in the system that needed an action, an email would be sent to the relevant person telling them to do something. Sometimes these emails would not be sent, but sometimes the emails would be sent many times. The emails that were sent many times often got sent at strange times of night when nobody was using the system. It was a bit of a mystery.

Hastening an Inevitable

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Keeping hundreds of millions of sheets of paper on file isn't easy, so the IRS had an application built to computerize their records. It'd scan paper tax returns into a WORM (Write Once, Read Many) drive system and record lookup data in a database. That way they could filter by any fields they recorded in the database and access a scanned image of the tax return for any further information using a simple app, which sure beat the old method of data retrieval — digging through boxes, incurring huge wait times.

The nice thing about the old method, though, was that it generally worked. The new system was full of bugs, in addition to several other irritating issues. On Bobby's first day he was put in front of the application, and right off the bat it looked amateurish. Form elements not lined up properly, buttons not always the same size, inconsistent menus — not broken, but certainly not professional looking. His boss, Boris, explained some of the finer features in a dry, humorless, low monotone.

This Button Is Impossible

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So here's what I'm wondering: if Ben checks the box, what does it do? If he unchecks it what does it do?

Completely missing the point...

by in Best of the Sidebar on

Originally posted to the Sidebar by "Welbog"...

I'm working on bug patrol for a generic data-entry app. It has a grid view that lets users input data, as well as a set of other views in addition to the grid, such as a regular winform-like deal. One of the things the app has is a trigger-like system, in which classes of a certain interface are called at certain points in the life of a record. So if a record is deleted from any view, data about this deletion is passed to an object invoked via reflection. The idea being the 'trigger' doesn't have to care about what view the user is using, just the data.

Slaves to The Process

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At large, multinational companies, change is slow because of The Process. Not that Matt had any major problems with The Process — he knew what he was getting into when he started his job. A change begets meetings, which beget approvals, which beget forms that have to be signed in triple-triplicate, which beget more meetings, and maybe after a month or two you will have successfully added a column to a report.

All of Initrode Global's IT staff were salaried employees, except for network management, which was outsourced to a team of Highly Paid Consultants — and both groups took their allegiance to The Process very seriously.

Source Control Mastery

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Merv was ready to wash his hands of his last job and to get them dirty at his new one. Now that he was a contractor, he'd be making more, and he'd have a much better environment. This was the first time he'd be working on a team, his first time at a company with dedicated testers, and his first time at an environment that was going to use source control. Merv hadn't used any source control software before, but he had seen it in use and even read up on some popular source control systems.

At his last job he'd been teased with source control a bit — "We need to start using source control," his boss once said. "It's urgent!"