Braun Schweitzer was tasked with reverse engineering a giant, VB6-based system at his company. No one knew everything that it did, nor did anyone really understood how it did it either. No less, they were determined to rewrite it and document it. Sadly, these circumstances on their own do not justify a "WTF" post.
However, I do think that this small snippet of code from the system has merit. Note that it is actually twice-removed from the proper solution of parameterized queries and somehow manages to avoid the obvious Replace ... twice in a row. But it's name and comment is what officially brings it into Whiskey Tango Foxtrot country ...
Private Function StripWeird(InTxt As String) As String Dim pos As Integer InTxt = Trim(Left(InTxt, 16000)) 'sql server freaks out on this character: ' pos = InStr(1, InTxt, "'") Do While pos > 0 InTxt = Left(InTxt, pos - 1) & Mid(InTxt, pos + 1) If pos > 1 Then pos = InStr(pos - 1, InTxt, "'") Else pos = InStr(1, InTxt, "'") End If Loop pos = InStr(1, InTxt, "'") Do While pos > 0 InTxt = Left(InTxt, pos - 1) & Mid(InTxt, pos + 1) If pos > 1 Then pos = InStr(pos - 1, InTxt, "'") Else pos = InStr(1, InTxt, "'") End If Loop StripWeird = InTxt End Function