Recent Error'd

Error'd features fun error messages and other visual oddities from the world of IT.

Jul 2014

The Best Truck in the World!

by in Error'd on

"Apparently this truck has a few more features than standard trucks," writes Derek, "I'm sure the price would have been an even $3,000,000 but there are a few miles on it to drive it down."

It's Cheaper to Buy the Train

by in Error'd on

"I was looking at prices for a train journey," writes Hamish, "I think my company's accountant might raise an eyebrow if I upgraded to first class".

This Squirrel Error is Driving Me Nuts!

by in Error'd on

"When War Thunder crashed, apparently there were some squirrels hiding in there and they gnawed on something. I don't know which button I'm supposed to push!" Jay wrote.