Recent Error'd

Error'd features fun error messages and other visual oddities from the world of IT.

Aug 2014

Netflix is Smarter than You Are

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"I never thought that The Princess Diaries and The Shining had anything in common, but who am I to argue with Netflix's magic algorithms?" Neal L. wrote.


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"I'm kind of surprised to see these kinds of positive ratings for soundtracks that may or may not exist," writes Bobby S.

The Ouroboros Request

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Rob wrote, "I was trying to raise a service request for an Office 365 issue but the service request functionality was broken. I could of course try and report this... by raising a service request."

Welcome to Word!

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"The first time I started up Word 2013, it offered to give me a tour. Upon reflection, this probably is a pretty accurate tour," writes Matt M..

nullnull, nullnullnull, and null

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"Wow! The IEEE takes privacy so seriously that they redacted the entire table of contents!" Jeremy R. wrote.