• (disco)

    [x] Error 500: Success! [ ] FRIST_NOT_FOUND

  • (disco)

    Frist and 103 - Am I right in thinking this would mean 1st down with 103 yards to make up before the next 1st? And that an American football field is only 100 yards, so there would be a touchdown before it mattered anyway?

    Or am I completely wrong and it's actually baseball?

  • (disco) in reply to Jaloopa
    Or am I completely wrong and it's actually baseball?

    Why don't you look up the logos at the bottom of the screen?

    Filed under: And I don't even watch American sports

  • (disco) in reply to aliceif

    GIS for HOU logo pulled up this page as the first result that had the logo from the screen http://draftprime.com/teams/HOU/team_prospects I'm none the wiser

  • (disco) in reply to Jaloopa

    Hover over "Teams". You'll see names. Google these and you'll learn that they're all Football teams. And if you google for "Washington Redskins" you'll see the other logo that was on the screen.

  • (disco) in reply to Jaloopa

    Following the Dutch Wiki the field is 120 yards long with 100 yard long between the goal lines. I have been forced to see this b****y sport in every public space the last week as I have been over to US.

  • (disco) in reply to tdwtf
    b****y sport

    belgium-y sport? no there is no hand-egg in belgium.

  • (disco) in reply to tdwtf
    Following the Dutch Wiki the field is 120 yards long with 100 yard long between the goal lines.
    The goal areas are largely superfluous and exist mainly for mandatory dance-offs between innings.
  • (disco)

    That Dublin-Bus one is nothing! Google's route tracking site thinks that my morning commute involves many teleports of hundreds of miles, back and forth between here, London and somewhere outside Bristol. Even Superman would have a few problems with that sort of thing…

  • (disco) in reply to dkf
    completely wrong and it's actually baseb

    Remember a few years ago when it would send you on a land route instead of using a ferry from Denmark to Sweden?

  • (disco)

    "In lieu" doesn't mean what you think it does, unless you mean Wednesday is replacing Thanksgiving this year.

    By the way, everybody come on, fhqwhgads!

  • (disco) in reply to Jaloopa
    Frist and 103 - Am I right in thinking this would mean 1st down with 103 yards to make up before the next 1st? And that an American football field is only 100 yards, so there would be a touchdown before it mattered anyway?

    Yes and yes.

  • (disco) in reply to FrostCat

    Did you mean to quote me there or is this a job for @discoursebot?

  • (disco) in reply to Jaloopa

    @Jaloopa - Days Since Last Discourse Bug: 0

    <!-- Posted by SockBot 0.13.0 "Devious Daine" on Wed Nov 26 2014 14:32:28 GMT+0000 (UTC)-->
  • (disco) in reply to operagost

    That drive is to the limit.

  • (disco) in reply to operagost

    "In lieu" doesn't mean what you think it does, unless you mean Wednesday is replacing Thanksgiving this year.

    I think he does mean that, basically. The Thanksgiving holiday is Thursday and Friday, so Wednesday is replacing their role as the end of the work week this week.

  • (disco) in reply to nmclean

    "Today is our "Friday" instead of the Thanksgiving holiday" Does that make sense to you?

  • (disco) in reply to tdwtf

    Just.... don't call the sport that in our bars, out loud....

    Fair warning.

  • (disco)

    I'm kind of wondering why Brent was looking for a trimmer at a tire store.

    Although on of those reciprocating saws would probably do the job, right tool for the job and all of that.

  • (disco) in reply to golddog

    Canadian grass. Like Texan grass, but even bigger!

  • (disco) in reply to dkf
    Canadian grass. Like Texan grass, but even bigger!

    What's a better implement should you happen to stumble into a mule in that tall Canadian grass? A string trimmer, or a reciprocating saw?

  • (disco) in reply to Sizik

    Yes it does... didn't I just explain that? It's actually fairly common when there is a holiday at the end of a week to refer to the final work day jokingly as "Friday" (or the first work day "Monday" when the holiday is at the beginning).

  • (disco) in reply to Jaloopa
    And that an American football field is only 100 yards, so there would be a touchdown before it mattered anyway?

    Hypothetically you could have a ruleset that had one of the teams starting 4 yards into their own endzone; 103 yards would of course then take them to the opposing team's 1. Under these rules, as long as they were able to get the ball out of the endzone before being brought down there'd be no score and no possession change. These rules would be reasonably consistent with themselves and current rules except for this point. (In particular, a team can hike the ball or walk it into their endzone and back out and that's not out-of-bounds.)

    However, I suspect this can't actually happen using actual rules.

  • (disco) in reply to EvanED
    However, I suspect this can't actually happen using actual rules.

    To hell with a touchback! If you kneel the ball three yards in your own end zone, that's where you start!

  • (disco) in reply to Jaloopa
    id you mean to quote me there or is this a job for @discoursebot?

    I guess I meant to quote @dkf, not you.

  • (disco)
    **Abbey S.** writes, "I wasn't even doing anything involving removable media at the time - there was just the unexplained sad bingleybleep of a USB connection shutting down, and then this. If I had been able to determine what Drive ?????????**fhqwhgads**??????? *was*, I might have inserted a disk into it, just to see what would happen."


  • (disco)

    I'm surprised that CBS' system allows for that input. I could see if someone accidentally typed the input for "1st & 73" when they meant "1st & 13", but "1st & 103" is impossible. On first down, the only values it should allow for the number would be between 1 and 98 (inclusive). 1st & 99 as well as 1st & inches would both be displayed as "1st & Goal"

    As for the Oracle search one, I'm surprised that no one has said "still better than Discosearch" yet.

  • (disco) in reply to chubertdev

    While 1st & 103 would have to be 1st & goal I could imagine a computer that didn't understand that. Lets say they take possession on the 2 yard line, then over the course of one or more plays they incur 95 yards worth of penalties. Since penalties void the play it's still the 1st down but now they're back on their own 3 yard line.

    Now imagine a system that was built to use the minimum of saved data--the storage has no concept of "and goal", just the first down line. This is converted to "and goal" for display purposes if it's beyond the touchdown line. Such a system would work and might help prevent fat-fingering.

    Suppose, however, a little bug in the display routine--it doesn't check for the "and goal" case when the distance is large.

  • (disco) in reply to Jaloopa

    By standard score ticker conventions, if the required yardage would bring you to the end zone, it would say "& Goal". The fact that it's 1st & 103 means that there must be more than 103 yards needed in order to score a touchdown.

    Here's where things get complicated. This picture is taken between plays. Under ordinary circumstances, if the ball goes behind the goal line like this, it would be one of three things:

    1. If Pittsburgh already had control of the ball and were pushed back into their own end zone and tackled during active play, it would be a safety, Cleveland would score two points, and that would be that. "1st & 103" would never come into play.

    2. If Pittsburgh were pushed back as the result of a penalty (as is in fact the case; this photo was taken just after an unnecessary roughness penalty involving a kick to the face), either the penalty would be reduced so as not to wind up in the end zone (thus preventing a 103-yard requirement), or there would be an automatic safety. Either way, this would not lead to "1st & 103". Depending on the penalty, this would also probably not be 1st down.

    3. If the ball were to die in the end zone as a result of the other team's actions (such as a kickoff or punt), this would be a touchback and the ball would start at the 20 yard line. Even assuming for some impossible reason that they would ever have to make goal right after a punt, there's not enough field left to require 103 yards.

    Long story short, this is absolutely impossible in all scenarios.

  • (disco) in reply to LorenPechtel

    Yeah, but this type of validation is ONE OF THE FIRST THINGS that I would do when creating a system like this. The fact that the most watched network in the United States can't get it right is laughable.

  • (disco) in reply to chubertdev
    still better than Discosearch

    It isn't. Oracle's search is completely and totally broken and useless. Discosearch is almost kind of helpful at times.

  • (disco) in reply to chubertdev

    They throw all their money at the players. You expect them to hire competent software folks?

  • (disco) in reply to mott555
    They throw all their money at the players. You expect them to hire competent software folks?

    True. Even wife- and child-beating doesn't hurt their ratings, this sort of thing wouldn't.

  • (disco) in reply to chubertdev
    1st & 99 as well as 1st & inches would both be displayed as "1st & Goal"
    I wouldn't be surprised if "& goal" has to be entered manually.

    Possibly the yellow line has changed things, but at least before that showed up, I would have expected the live display to not have any information about where the ball was. And because determining whether a 1st & 8 is really a 1st & 8 or a 1st & goal depends on that information, I wouldn't expect it to be able to determine that.

    (I would expect this because "distance to first down" or "& goal" is less information and harder to misenter than "distance to first down" and "location of ball" or "location of ball and location of fist down line.")

  • (disco) in reply to EvanED

    Of course. The person entering this data looks at the man holding the first down yard stick. If that man puts it down, the data person enters the down, hits the "goal to go" button, and hits the commit button. Should be easy.

  • (disco) in reply to Covarr

    Now, I'm no hand-egg expert, but.... I thought "Cardinal & #" meant that you were on the Cardinal down (in this case, first) and you needed # yards to get to another first down (usually 10 ,unless you have a penalty). So you typically see "First & 10" even if you are on the 50 yard line. Am I wrong?

    That would mean that they had received a (103-10=) 93 yard penalty somewhere on the field.

  • (disco) in reply to Yamikuronue

    or the person putting those numbers on screen typo'd

  • (disco) in reply to accalia

    Yes, but I'm confused by people talking about needing 103 yards to achieve a touchdown instead of a first down and not sure I have my sports right again.

  • (disco) in reply to Yamikuronue

    well.... generally moving the ball 103 yards would generate a touchdown which would override the first down.

    also if the first down mark is in the goal zone it's usually written "First and Goal"

  • (disco) in reply to accalia

    Right, so since it's not "First and goal", it must have been somewhere not at the goal-line when a 93-yard penalty was applied, putting the ball in the stands someplace.

  • (disco)

    In case anyone but me is curious, I found this thread talking about the longest distances to a first down in actual games. Apparently there's not as definitive of an answer as I'd expected, but zut posts some. Most are high school games, but there is one college and one NFL game: the Florida Gators faced a 3rd and 57 vs. Mississippi State in 2000, and the Patriots apparently faced a 4th and 63 vs the Cowboys in 1971. (The latter link is broken so there's no primary source.)

  • (disco) in reply to Yamikuronue
    Now, I'm no hand-egg expert, but.... I thought "Cardinal & #" meant that you were on the Cardinal down (in this case, first) and you needed # yards to get to another first down (usually 10 ,unless you have a penalty). So you typically see "First & 10" even if you are on the 50 yard line. Am I wrong?

    Nope, that's right.

    That would mean that they had received a (103-10=) 93 yard penalty somewhere on the field.

    Technically correct, but penalties are never going to put the line of scrimmage in the endzone. The rules don't permit it, as @Covarr already explained.

  • (disco) in reply to Yamikuronue
    Yes, but I'm confused by people talking about needing 103 yards to achieve a touchdown instead of a first down and not sure I have my sports right again.

    Since it's 100 yards from endzone to endzone, it's safe to assume that needing 103 yards to achieve a fist down would also get you a touchdown.

  • (disco)

    TRWTF is caring about Baseball, American "Football" or Thanksgiving.

    No, TRWTF is the sententious, pious and cloying email we all got sent by someone in our company who was misguidedly given authorisation to send to all members of staff in the entire company worldwide (including Europe, India, Middle East, the lot) about how we will be expected to treat Thanksgiving as a holy day of worship.

    I just ignored it and lit some Canadian grass.

  • (disco) in reply to Matt_Westwood

    Please tell me that reply all worked?

  • (disco) in reply to Yamikuronue

    Note that the score ticker says "& 103" instead of "& Goal". This is important. It means they are already more than 10 yards away from the other team's end zone. 93 yards of penalties from anywhere but the first seven yards of field would put them into their own end zone, which would automatically score a safety for the other team, the ball would be kicked off again, and the line of scrimmage would be reset, so still no 103.

  • (disco) in reply to Covarr
    Note that the score ticker says "& 103" instead of "& Goal". This is important. It means they are already more than 10 yards away from the other team's end zone. 93 yards of penalties from anywhere but the first seven yards of field would put them into their own end zone, which would automatically score a safety for the other team, the ball would be kicked off again, and the line of scrimmage would be reset, so still no 103.

    You know, I have had a number of USAians tell me that cricket is incomprehensible, but American Football rules are PhD level incomprehensible. To the rest of the world it looks like a kind of bizarre team dance competition by athletic young women occasionally interrupted by a small riot by big men in body armor, but to the US it all means something. It's a truly impressive achievement.

  • (disco)

    While the TV depicts US football, things are a bit different in Canada. There there are 110 years between goal lines, so it IS theoretical to have a 1st and 103. Has it happened? I strongly doubt it. Oh, and if the team is backed up over its goal line, it is a safety, and two points for the other team.

    Trivia question: What is the lowest winning score in a game? The answer might surprise you!

  • (disco) in reply to chubertdev
    "1st & 103" is impossible

    Impossible in the game, but possible as a typo.

    1st & 10, goes to press Enter, fat fingers "3 Enter" :P

    Yeah, but this type of validation is ONE OF THE FIRST THINGS that I would do when creating a system like this. The fact that the most watched network in the United States can't get it right is laughable.


    There there are 110 years between goal lines
    [image] Say WHAT?
  • (disco) in reply to Matt_Westwood
    No, TRWTF is the sententious, pious and cloying email we all got sent by someone in our company who was misguidedly given authorisation to send to all members of staff in the entire company worldwide (including Europe, India, Middle East, the lot) about how we will be expected to treat Thanksgiving as a holy day of worship.

    I just ignored it and lit some Canadian grass.

    Please tell me that reply all worked?

    Mandatory Dilbert Strip Time:


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