Recent Error'd

Error'd features fun error messages and other visual oddities from the world of IT.

May 2015

It's a Kinda Magic

by in Error'd on

"One of the UK's leading motoring organizations needs a little help in wand waving on its route planning web site," Cameron wrote.

Tell QA They Missed One

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"You know, I've always wanted some sideways text that says 'not for sale'," writes Julie, "Too bad I'll never know."

BSOD Could Go All the Way This Year

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"Yes! I'm a huge fan of BSOD. I'm glad to see SportsCenter giving some well deserved recognition!," Mike writes.

You're Welcome...?

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"I clicked 'Yes' when asked if I wanted to send a report of VLC's crash, but apparently my attempted cooperation wasn't really appreciated," David K. writes.

Used Shellfish

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"According to channel 7 in Australia these guys are right into trawling for content," Martin.