Recent Error'd

Error'd features fun error messages and other visual oddities from the world of IT.

Jun 2015

What, What?

by in Error'd on

" looks like someone is testing in Production as every link on starts with this helpful alert," James writes.

Language Barriers

by in Error'd on

"'Soll das Fenster geschlossen werden?' means roughly 'Should the window be closed?'," wrote David, "Hovering over the 'No' option shows that it will invoke doNothing(). Thank goodness!"

Helpful as Ever!

by in Error'd on

"One very helpful error, followed by another, and then Oracle Forms Designer crashed," Owen C. wrote, "I suppose at least it made an effort to tell me something was wrong!"

You've Been Warned!

by in Error'd on

"This warning comes highly recommended!" writes Sean H.