"One very helpful error, followed by another, and then Oracle Forms Designer crashed," Owen C. wrote, "I suppose at least it made an effort to tell me something was wrong!"
"You know, I wonder if the JavaScript error caused the lake to disappear," writes Mark M.
"I was looking to reset my Mac's PRAM. I didn't know I had to place an ad to get it up and running again," Wilfred K. wrote.
"I was in the Faroe Islands and was surprised to have stumbled upon the source of Apple's Command-keys," writes Mike S., "I gather that they get their control and option keys elsewhere."
Nicki M. wrote, "Whoa! At that price, I better act quickly! Thanks, Expedia!"
Sven G. writes, "Paint a C source file? Word seemingly a stock tracker? No idea what Internet Explorer, Virtual CloneDrive, or Visual Studio Version Selector icons represent."
"So, if ANONUSER can't access the login page, how exactly do I log in without already being logged in?" Chris M. writes.
"Ha! My laptop's battery lasts a whole work day...and then some," Benjamin writes.