Classic WTF: Mandatory Fun
by in Mandatory Fun Day on 2015-07-10
It's hard to believe that it's been 7 years since the last installments of MFD. Mark's been too busy doing art for things like Release! to waste his artistic talents here with us. From back in 2008, I've grabbed a few of my personal favorites from the old MFD days. --Remy

I'm a sucker for terrible puns, so I love these. But, if you scroll back through the comments on those old articles (back in Community Server!), some of our readers had a slightly different attitude. This Viking lays out our editorial stance on that!

I'm a sucker for terrible puns, so I love these. But, if you scroll back through the comments on those old articles (back in Community Server!), some of our readers had a slightly different attitude. This Viking lays out our editorial stance on that!