• (disco)

    Mandatory frist post

  • (disco) in reply to Jaloopa

    mandatory complaint about quality of frist post

  • (disco)

    Mandatory complaint about how Mark's art is full of bugs.

    Filed under: There, I said it.

  • (disco) in reply to JBert

    mandatory pointing out that they are not bugs, they are features

  • (disco)
  • (disco) in reply to Placeholder

    mandatory grudging applause

  • (disco)

    Now if only someone could create a good paint edit that is about Discourse ...

  • (disco) in reply to aliceif

    would it have to include "POOP' and 'FART" ?

  • (disco) in reply to accalia

    Only if it's @blakeyart

  • (disco)

    If you're the kind of pointy-hair that likes to throw the word "mandatory" around...you're an asshole.

    ...and I've never attended a "mandatory" anything yet. Shove it up your officious ass.

  • (disco) in reply to Gal_Spunes


  • (disco) in reply to PJH

    to be fair @Gal_Spunes has a point.

    my traditional first response to a "mandatory" meeting is "why is this meeting mandatory:

    unless the meeting invite came from HR. because their answer always is "because we're HR, do you want ot hkeep working here or not?"

  • (disco) in reply to aliceif

    Did someone say Paint edit without any specification of the quality?

  • (disco)

    I rather liked those puns 'toons.

  • (disco)

    This guy is not wearing correct headgear!

  • (disco) in reply to accalia

    Seriously...if somebody has a meeting they think is that important, speak to me like a man, like an adult, not a serf.

  • (disco)



  • (disco) in reply to PJH

    Continuing the discussion from Classic WTF: Mandatory Fun:

    to be fair @Gal_Spunes has a point.

    my traditional first response to a "mandatory" meeting is "why is this meeting mandatory:

    unless the meeting invite came from HR. because their answer always is "because we're HR, do you want ot hkeep working here or not?"

    "Because we're HR. Questioning our policy is not tolerated. Your desk is being cleared for you and you are to be escorted from the premises by security immediately. Security, to Meeting Room 1, please."

  • (disco) in reply to Matt_Westwood
    "Because we're HR. Questioning our policy is not tolerated. Your desk is being cleared for you and you are to be escorted from the premises by security immediately. Security, to Meeting Room 1, pleaseGUARDS! Bring me the forms I need to fill out to have her taken away!."

    Filed under: google is scary after typing that quote, new tab and searching for b auto-suggested bureaucrat number 1

  • (disco) in reply to Matt_Westwood
    "Because we're HR. Questioning our policy is not tolerated. Your desk is being cleared for you and you are to be escorted from the premises by security immediately. Security, to Meeting Room 1, please."

    Really with what has been happening in large corporations in recent years, it would be more honest to name HR Insecurity. Though perhaps that should be reserved for the C-suite.

  • (disco)

    Ah, MFD. The comic so terrible that Alex actually disabled comment threads for it, and/or only allowed image posts.

  • (disco)

    I would just like to point out that the person in the last cartoon is not a Viking. Vikings didn't wear horned helmets. He is a pretend Viking.

    Horned helmets? On ships with sails and ropes all over the place? What sort of idiot would think of that? When you see the old pictures of German soldiers with spiked helmets, the spikes were only for parades. They actually unscrewed for use in battle.

  • (disco)



  • (disco) in reply to kupfernigk
    Horned helmets? On ships with sails and ropes all over the place? What sort of idiot would think of that?

    They were probably show helmets. Actual practical helmets would have been like this:


    Protect the head and around the eyes while not being too heavy. If you were fancy and flash with cash, you went for one with integrated chain mail face covering:


  • (disco) in reply to dkf
    They were probably show helmets. Actual practical helmets would have been like this:

    Of course when my Scandinavian ancestors were actually pillaging, looting and raping, iron was so expensive that nobody would have had a show helmet. I believe (because I read it recently, and not on the Internet) that the horned helmet was a 19th century invention.

  • (disco) in reply to riking


  • (disco) in reply to kupfernigk
    nobody would have had a show helmet

    The lords would've done. It would have been something that was inheritable too; more akin to treasure than actual armour, something to be worn on special occasions only.

  • (disco) in reply to accalia

    Every mandatory meeting I've ever been to (always announced the day before, causing people to cancel vacations and work from home and stuff) has amounted to "RAH RAH TEAM YAY LOOK HOW AWESOME I MANAGE! I KNOW ITS BUSY BUT I PROMISE THINGS WILL BE BETTER!" [protip: Things never get better.]

  • (disco)

    Not-yet-mandatory tvtropes quotes:

    Mandatory fun day: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CrapsaccharineWorld

    Larry the punmaster: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AndThereWasMuchRejoicing

  • (disco) in reply to Weng
    cancel vacations

    WTF who does this? Unless you're military and being deployed and your specific skills are vital to the operations and survival of your unit (and if you're irreplacable in a military unit, there's a whole 'nother WTF, what happens if you get shot?), there's no reason to ever cancel a vacation. Fuck that noise.

    Here's how leave applications go: Me: I'm taking leave on [dates]. Boss: Okay.

    An alternative response I've never had to experience: Boss: No, emergency, etc. Me: I'm resigning, effective as of [dates]. Now you have made your emergency worse, enjoy.

  • (disco) in reply to another_sam

    Military isn't a bad analogy for our operational circumstances. Except:

    1. Everybody is irreplaceable because nobody wants to pay for redundancy.
    2. If I in particular quit, there would be quite literally mass chaos. Nobody seems particularly worried.

    I have thus far cancelled three vacations in 2015 and been denied the extension of my next one. I fully anticipate my next one will be a fucking disaster anyway and I'll spend much of my time working remotely - all the bosses are on vacation simultaneously, my direct supervisor is being forced by his wife to literally leave all his phones and computers and other electronics at home.

    I dislike this arrangement, but it gives me leverage come review time.

  • (disco) in reply to another_sam

    I had a manager who tried this once.

    Mistakes were made somewhere and the end-of-year books were sent to the printers with some errors which needed to be fixed.

    "Does anybody here have plans for Christmas? Well, cancel them. We have work to do."

    "But I was going to see my family in Hong Kong..."

    "Cancel your flight. You can go there some other time."

    A while after that he tried to downplay it and make a joke about how he was "only asking Muslims to stay". That didn't go over nearly as well as he expected.

    A few days after that he miraculously discovered that the problems weren't all that bad and that they could be fixed without any additional effort.

    I still don't work there. And a lot of other people don't either.

  • (disco) in reply to Weng
    I dislike this arrangement, but it gives me leverage come review time.

    I really want that to work in your favour, but experience has told me that it really doesn't work like that. At best, you get a bonus, and at worst they'll acknowledge it with the "This is what we expect of our people" attitude.

  • (disco) in reply to Weng
    my direct supervisor is being forced by his wife to literally leave all his phones and computers and other electronics at home.

    Somebody is doing something right.

  • (disco) in reply to AgentDenton

    It's worked so far. Pretty well in fact. I actually busted the glass ceiling for developers in this company. Whether that continues is a gamble, of course - but it's a winning streak that ends in printing out resignation.docx

  • (disco) in reply to another_sam
    An alternative response I've never had to experience:Boss: No, emergency, etc.Me: I'm resigning, effective as of [dates]. Now you have made your emergency worse, enjoy.

    When I was a waiter, I booked off a particular weekend for a friend's engagement party. I'd done this a couple of months in advance. When the schedule for that week came around, I was on the rota all weekend. Complained to the restaurant manager, he didn't admit it but it sounded like he hadn't bothered to check the holiday list, and had given the time off to someone else who asked for it a couple of days before. I told him straight up that I wasn't coming in. He said I was and I didn't. No mention of it at all when I came back

  • (disco) in reply to Weng
    2) If I in particular quit, there would be quite literally mass chaos. Nobody seems particularly worried.

    I have thus far cancelled three vacations in 2015 and been denied the extension of my next one.

    They better be paying you out the ass. Like "retire at age 40" pay.

  • (disco) in reply to blakeyrat

    I almost make Silly Valley money. Not quite but almost.

  • (disco) in reply to Weng

    Ok without numbers that means nothing to me. The guy at Taco Bell in Silicon Valley is making less than the guy at Taco Bell here in Seattle.

  • eric bloedow (unregistered)

    that fist part reminds me of a character in an old online comic called "suburban jungle", named Dover Cheetah.

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