"Ah...it looks like someone is testing in Production as every link on Cleveland.com starts with this helpful alert," James writes.
"At just over 2400 light years away, our Sun must be intrinsically brighter than the rest of the galaxy combined," writes Wong
"You'd think that Google would rather have Chrome extensions added, but who am I to judge?," wrote Erwan.
Jeff R. wrote, "I'm not sure that I'll have time to catch up on this series after all."
"I didn't think that it was a big deal that I didn't enter a title," writes Jim B., "Whatever code generates the response letter disagrees."
"It's a good thing that I cut up a penny into tiny pieces for exactly this situation," Dustin W. wrote.
"Wow...That's one weird dog," Jeff F. writes.
Bob D. wrote, "Terror possessed me then when I noticed that one of our 2008r2 domain controllers hadn't been rebooted since 1971."