• (cs) in reply to biziclop
    There are three English football teams that always fall victim to overzealous censorship: Arsenal, Scunthorpe and Manchester Fucking United.
    You Brits are pretty sodding funny!!
  • (cs)

    fucking shit, I'm going to be scared for life. After reading the What the Fuck for today I say the offensive word, that wasn't censored "BUGGER"

  • FCB Man (unregistered)

    At a bank that I worked for they had a lackey who actually read each and every out going email before approving them to go out. We actually had to yell at him on occasion to hurry up and approve an email while trying to solve an issue with a vendor app. And then complain to get the incoming one approved. If we accidentally sent an email without a subject line we would get back a warning email from him. As if virus writers had not conquered the old no subject line issue.

  • David (unregistered)

    Bugger me, but that looks worse than shit. More points anyway.

    BTW, if we're going to write the fucking words, why mask out characters easy to recreate? Bugger the hyphens, full shit ahead!

  • Youngkiwi (unregistered) in reply to wund3rkind

    I have run in the same thing in using corporate Web filters that have blocked Porn access.

    Looking up such dangerous sites as this : http://www.fiordland.org.nz/ (It's a tourist site)

    But it describes one of the locations in fiordland, MILFord Sound.

  • Teodore (unregistered)

    And now for REAL wtf, is that this guy used swear words talking to female co-worker

  • (cs)

    Check this out.

    *** Now talking in #christian
    -Word_of_God- Welcome Abstruse to #christian I am a Bible Bot. For more info type: /msg Word_of_God !info
    <Abstruse> !kjv numbers 22:21
    <Word_of_God>  Numbers 22:21 -- And Balaam rose up in the morning, and saddled his ass, and went with the princes of Moab. -  (KJV)
    *** SageRider sets mode: +b !@c211-30-208-111.rivrw3.nsw.optusnet.com.au
    *** Word_of_God was kicked from #christian by SageRider (Please dont Swear)
    <Abstruse> I know I'm never going to be able to come back in this channel again after this, but damn was it worth it to see that...

  • Cetero Censeo (unregistered) in reply to wund3rkind

    Reminds me of one case where some guy in a german chat tried to use his native language word for "thick" (s/th/d/) and wondered why the chat showed only **** ;-)

  • M.I.K.e (unregistered) in reply to BobB
    Not sure this still holds true, but if you play WoW (and who doesn't? *twitch*), if you've the filter turned on it will catch the word Nigeria. I think the same holds true for HellGate as well. All this filtering gets annoying at times.

    The filter in WoW is so stupid that I immediately turned it off. The comment of a horde character would probably be: KEK

    As for the mail. It's good that the sender didn't forget an "o" in "count", otherwise the MailMarshal might have resorted to drastic measures.

  • Khôi (unregistered)

    This reminds me actually of one of my earlier employments at a mostly german speaking company...

    One day we wondered why our mail gateway started to filter out some of our german emails. Almost a month passed away until our sysadmin figured out that the newly installed profane language filter filtered out all emails containing the german word "weniger" (which means "less" in english).

  • Jasper (unregistered) in reply to brazzy
    Another one to file under "those crazy Americans".

    Anyone outside the US would be laughed at if they suggested corporate email (or anything, really) be filtered for "unacceptable language".

    Exactly. I would be highly annoyed if my employer would try to educate me on my language as if I'm a little child or a teenager.

  • (cs)
    My personal favourite is that the word "canuck" would cause an email to bounce as it was considered "derogatory and bigoted slang." I've yet to meet a single Canadian who considers it derogatory... especially when I was referring to the Vancouver Canucks hockey team.
    I'm a canuck, and I've never seen anyone consider the term derogatory either.
    This is easy enough to do. Algorithm: Find all repeating letters, replace them with the singular letter. Find all characters " ", "-", etc. that follow "words" that are not in your dictionary, replace them with empty string ("sh " replaced with "sh"). Search for words in your expletive dictionary.

    This should find most everything.

    Eh, you can try all sorts of fancy shit, but there are sofa king many ways to bypass filters, it's more a pain in the a[b][/b]ss than it's worth.

    (Not sure if the escape codes work here or not, but either way.)

  • dissss (unregistered)

    Triggering the Webmarshall system at my workplace has become quite the sport.

    The most impressive scores generally come from browsing the Slashdot comments section on stories involving Apple

  • El Dorko (unregistered)

    My wife works at a government agency of social studies. They discuss things related to sex, drugs and alcohol use all the time as part of their work.

    It's nearly impossible for them to communicate with other companies by email - and the same the other way around, because their spam filters have learned to accept all the "naughtyness" and stop quite unexpected things.

  • Ru (unregistered)

    I've been particularly irritated by the profanity filters that Microsoft Research use since I started working with a guy there. Employees are not filtered, non-microsoftians like myself are.

    This means that if he uses a naughty word, I have to censor it myself when I reply and include the text of his original mail or my response will get bounced by the filter. Awesome stuff.

  • Paul (unregistered)

    I almost imagined computers cursing like that. The program is running nicely, then the computer trips and falls, dropping the stack which is now all messed up. You check the debug log to find the following entry.....

    "Apr 29th, 11:12 AM - I fell. Fuck times two. Shit times one. Extensive fuck times one."

  • NAN (unregistered)

    I used to play online gmaes with rc_pinchey. I also remember he had a site about people with no heads and things.

    Small world, eh?

  • Iru (unregistered) in reply to wund3rkind

    Is this real? I didnt knew things were so thick there in the land of freedom ... my god, i can't believe it.

  • (cs)

    Heh. So the censor filters everything except the swearwords. That's quite a feat. :P

  • (cs) in reply to Khôi
    This reminds me actually of one of my earlier employments at a mostly german speaking company...

    One day we wondered why our mail gateway started to filter out some of our german emails. Almost a month passed away until our sysadmin figured out that the newly installed profane language filter filtered out all emails containing the german word "weniger" (which means "less" in english).

    Leaving us to wonder what is offensive about "weniger"...

  • (cs) in reply to Ru
    I've been particularly irritated by the profanity filters that Microsoft Research use since I started working with a guy there. Employees are not filtered, non-microsoftians like myself are.

    Obviously the filter on employees was lifted when Ballmer complained.

  • Old Coder (unregistered) in reply to FredSaw
    Another one to file under "those crazy Americans".

    Anyone outside the US would be laughed at if they suggested corporate email (or anything, really) be filtered for "unacceptable language".

    Meanwhile, the UKers still haven't figured out how to spell "booger".

    (ding) Wrong! US "booger" = UK "bogie". In the UK, buggering is what (male) homosexuals do to one another.

    Captcha="ingenium". What! Yet another new element?

  • biziclop (unregistered) in reply to Arancaytar
    Heh. So the censor filters everything except the swearwords. That's quite a feat. :P

    It must've been coded by Yossarian.

  • Cope with IT (unregistered) in reply to joutsa
    Am I the only one who first read the whole thing as "fsck, fsck, shutdown, debugger"?
    No, that came to my mind immediately.
  • PFP (unregistered) in reply to NaN
    It makes sense to disallow swearing in corporate emails. You wouldn't do it in a letter.

    The point is not whether you would do it in a letter. The point is whether you would have a bunch of secretaries reading all incoming mail to blacken the swear-words. If someone want to send me an e-mail with swear words, I am the one to decide if it is appropriate or not.

  • (cs) in reply to NAN
    I used to play online gmaes with rc_pinchey. I also remember he had a site about people with no heads and things.

    Small world, eh?

    Yup, ironically I used to run an anti-censorship website. With hindsight, given the crazy shite that ended up being posted there, that may not have been the world's greatest plan. ;-)

    Online games... TFC?

  • (cs) in reply to BobB
    Not sure this still holds true, but if you play WoW (and who doesn't? *twitch*), if you've the filter turned on it will catch the word Nigeria. I think the same holds true for HellGate as well. All this filtering gets annoying at times. One game I used to play would substitute common words. That was a hoot tho. Suddenly your barrage of poorly thought out insults becomes: You tentpole! I'm gonna duck you goat man!

    Captcha: verto - Patron Saint of Vertigo

    I used to play a small morpg called Hostile Space. One of drops was Jewelry. So of course people would need this item and try to sell it on the auction channel. Which they couldn't, because Jewelry was sensored.

  • Bob Holness (unregistered)

    Yonks ago, circa 1999, there was a story about a UK town's football club being inconvenienced by such filters: Scunthorpe FC.

  • TInkerghost (unregistered) in reply to BobB

    EQ1 used to filter cockatrice. "You have killed a ****atrice." clbuttic

  • (cs)

    The context sensitive ads are working... kinda: "Featured Non-WTF Job: .NET Developer at Ability Business (Manchester, OH)"

  • matt (unregistered) in reply to Tommy American
    Tommy American:
    I think that vulgarity reflects poorly on the person using it.

    I really do, not trying to be funny.

    Certainly it has no place in a corporation or any business that wants to be taken seriously.

    Please feel free to respond with vulgarity - that would be so funny!


  • (cs) in reply to LEGO

    Fucking Asshole, is that you? Long time no see. How is the rest of the Asshole family?

    as lord helmet said: "i'm surrounded by arseholes!"

  • (cs)

    and let's not forget bash.org quote #178890:

    *** Now talking in #christian -Word_of_God- Welcome Abstruse to #christian I am a Bible Bot. For more info type: /msg Word_of_God !info <Abstruse> !kjv numbers 22:21 <Word_of_God> Numbers 22:21 -- And Balaam rose up in the morning, and saddled his ass, and went with the princes of Moab. - (KJV) *** SageRider sets mode: +b !@c211-30-208-111.rivrw3.nsw.optusnet.com.au *** Word_of_God was kicked from #christian by SageRider (Please dont Swear) <Abstruse> I know I'm never going to be able to come back in this channel again after this, but damn was it worth it to see that...

  • (cs) in reply to betlit
    and let's not forget bash.org quote #178890:
    Um, we didn't. Try reading (or at least searching through) the comments before buttuming that you're the first one to think of something. (*cough*C Tictactoe*cough*)
  • Tommy American (unregistered) in reply to matt
    Tommy American:
    I think that vulgarity reflects poorly on the person using it.

    I really do, not trying to be funny.

    Certainly it has no place in a corporation or any business that wants to be taken seriously.

    Please feel free to respond with vulgarity - that would be so funny!


    hmmmm...that WAS funny!

  • wolfman (unregistered)

    Our company email does exactly the same thing, and it complains about the word "friggin" as well.

    Our office websurfing is censored as well. Any URL with the words "dating" or "facebook" anywhere in the entire URL are blocked. This kind of netnannyism lead to an unfortunate blocking of a google search for the word "debugger" (delete the "de" in that word and see why it was complaining at us).

  • Braechnov (unregistered)

    I've experienced monitoring software which blocked emails containing the word 'sex' and immediately brought HR and various other departments grinding to a halt.

    Name: Age: Sex: . . .

  • Joe (unregistered) in reply to NaN
    I don't understand why you Americans are so afraid of curse words. It's not like writing f*ck will change the meaning of it.

    I guess it is only expected from a country where porno movies of horses f*cking women is legal, but saying a curse word can get you fired.

    Bestiality isn't legal, the post is from the UK judging from the other comments, where bestiality also isn't legal.

    It makes sense to disallow swearing in corporate emails. You wouldn't do it in a letter.

    Dear Mrs Smith, Although I do sympathize with your complaint but unfortunately, you're a cunt.

    Pedantic bastid ain't I?

  • thc4k (unregistered)

    What the fuck is the idea behind censoring fuck as f-ck? Everyone just reads "fuck" nevertheless. Total failure in understanding censorship: You have to deny access to all information that could be used to reconstruct the original information to make censorship work ... At least replace everything you'd like to censor with a fixed string like '######'. For full censorship, throw the author and everyone who read it in jail too, but that may not yet be applicable in some countries.

  • Yoji (unregistered)

    We had this problem awhile ago when the Cleveland Steel Erection Company apparently couldn't get confirmation emails sent to them.

  • Franz Kafka (unregistered) in reply to lolwtf
    My personal favourite is that the word "canuck" would cause an email to bounce as it was considered "derogatory and bigoted slang." I've yet to meet a single Canadian who considers it derogatory... especially when I was referring to the Vancouver Canucks hockey team.
    I'm a canuck, and I've never seen anyone consider the term derogatory either.
    This is easy enough to do. Algorithm: Find all repeating letters, replace them with the singular letter. Find all characters " ", "-", etc. that follow "words" that are not in your dictionary, replace them with empty string ("sh " replaced with "sh"). Search for words in your expletive dictionary.

    This should find most everything.

    Eh, you can try all sorts of fancy shit, but there are sofa king many ways to bypass filters, it's more a pain in the a[b][/b]ss than it's worth.

    (Not sure if the escape codes work here or not, but either way.)

    That's what bans are for. Congrats on your filterdodging, you win one banination. This is relevant for places that want to be readable at work, and antisocial douchebags are a social problem. The tech solution is just a friendly reminder.

  • woohoo (unregistered) in reply to biziclop
    There are three English football teams that always fall victim to overzealous censorship: Arsenal, Scunthorpe and Manchester Fucking United.

    hehehehehe - very good :o)

  • Krischan (unregistered) in reply to NetIQ: Under 70 (Definite feeble-mindedness)

    That is why I f*cking encrypt my personal mails to my personal buddies :)

  • woohoo (unregistered) in reply to Anonymous Jedi
    Anonymous Jedi:
    You know... I was just thinking. Aside from the content that it's targeting, how is this really different than the "helpful suggestions" filtering done by several applications (the most famous being MS Office).

    I'm sure we had this linked somewhere on thedailywtf, but I can't find it... so here's http://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/07/16/excel_vanishing_dna/

    oh well.. I suppose one really can't be feeling too sorry for seemingly bright people who actually use Excel (!) for processing their important data (or any data apart from shopping lists and housekeeping allowances, at that) and are then dumbfounded by such incidents...

  • methinks (unregistered) in reply to Old Coder
    Old Coder:
    In the UK, buggering is what (male) homosexuals do to one another.

    Hm. Methinks that outside the UK the passive partner does not have to be male for this sexual practice. Hence the active one does not really have to be homosexual. ;o)

    But I'm not a native speaker - perhaps the connotation is always pertaining to homosexual sex - or is it?

  • (cs) in reply to ERTW
    Former Jr. Programmer:
    You could always abuse the word "frack" like BSG appears to be doing this season.

    Seriously, what the frack was that whole dialogs, Kara?

    They've been using it all series, not just this season

    It's the same as how Farscape would use "Frell" (which doesnt have quite the same oomph as Frack)

    The original series from the seventies had it as well, along with the colorful, "felgercarb".

  • JadedTool (unregistered)

    A while back I did a post on a college professor review site. The professor I was commenting on is named Dr. Titsa (no joke she is Greek). Well the site would not let me post the review for Dr. ***sa. Alway thought it was great that one of the worst professors I ever had, has a censored name!

  • Another canuck (unregistered) in reply to cellocgw

    Wild guess (it's been years) ... King Leary?

  • Another canuck (unregistered) in reply to cellocgw
    "...We were doing well until I made the mistake of referring to their center iceman as 'that Fucking Canuck.' A few minutes later (we're in the middle of a brawl,here) I was escorted off the ice for a 5-minute major penalty...."

    Name the narrator and/or the book :-)

    Sorry, forgot the quote. Still guessing King Leary? (Quarrington's second best book, BTW).

  • Hero (unregistered)

    We had the word "porn" removed from our filter list because one of the girls in our company is called Pornpid. LOL.

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