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What message?
the real wt* is that the f-ck's seem to gather weighting the more times they are used :-\
So he really did sent an email with fuck, shit and bugger?
Plus, if he typed the email out himself and sent it, there is no WTF with him being told which words to change, he can't be offended, he is the one that said it!
Edit: (Not Really) If the person he sent it to got an email with "Your not getting an email today because it said "fuck, shit and bugger", that would be a WTF.
Damnit, she did.
Wow. Didn't know that an extensive f-ck* was worth 6 basic ones.
Another one to file under "those crazy Americans".
Anyone outside the US would be laughed at if they suggested corporate email (or anything, really) be filtered for "unacceptable language".
TRWTF is that you censored "fuck" and "shit" in an article bashing censorship. palm to face
Swearword censorship is really fucking annoying.
Another WTF is someone not realizing tongue in cheek humor.
Not sure this still holds true, but if you play WoW (and who doesn't? twitch), if you've the filter turned on it will catch the word Nigeria. I think the same holds true for HellGate as well. All this filtering gets annoying at times. One game I used to play would substitute common words. That was a hoot tho. Suddenly your barrage of poorly thought out insults becomes: You tentpole! I'm gonna duck you goat man!
Captcha: verto - Patron Saint of Vertigo
What makes you think this happened in America? I'd be inclined to think it was somewhere else, since nobody thinks "bugger" is a curse word in the US.
Most of my friends work email addresses have language based filtering here in the UK. I don't think this is a US specific thing.
Corporate email protocol has changed so much over the last few years, and I would now never even think of using dubious language on the company network.
However, about six or seven years ago, my large multinational company merged with our major competitor, and the DoJ lawyers came in to check for evidence of anticompetitive behavior. This included searching everyone's email for evidence of collusion or price-fixing, searching for incriminating phrases like "crush the competition" and "together we will rule the world, muhahaha".
One of my staff had to install the text-mining software to perform these checks, and had to go through a fairly extensive process to ensure it was working correctly across all our email servers. After a couple of days, he gleefully reported back to me that the person that had used the word "f*ck" in emails more than anyone else in our 15,000 person company was, err, me.
This filter makes things worse. All you know is that somebody has possibly been insulting you heavily and then you have to call them up to beg for them to repeat the tirade again...
There are three English football teams that always fall victim to overzealous censorship: Arsenal, Scunthorpe and Manchester Fucking United.
This reminds me of the story where stocks of a German Company called "FAG Kugelfischer" could not be traded for a day at the NYSE after they turned on a swear word filter in their trading system. I don't know whether the use of "fag" as a swearword has increased at the NYSE since...
Wrong! Have you ever heard of Scunthorpe? Did the wondrous wtf that the City Council stopped getting any email at all after installing a naughty word filter, completely pass you by?
And shouldn't you be reading the angry feedback you get from your customers anyway? It doesn't make things better to ignore them...
That's a good one but why am I wrong?
Anyway, there are many regexp-based "child protection" programs happily used by parents who are understandably worried but are absolutely clueless. Their children will never learn too much geography online, definitely not anything that relates to Essex, Sussex or extra-naughty Middlesex.
You could always abuse the word "frack" like BSG appears to be doing this season.
Seriously, what the frack was that whole dialogs, Kara?
On one forum I visit, they temporarily (no longer in place) replaced the word 'gay' with 'jovial', and 'fag' with 'delightful fellow'.
That is all well and good, until you smoke the delightful fellow.
(I'm British, fag isn't a swear word, it's just not PC to smoke anymore)
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My company's spam filter has been the cause of epic failures for as long as I've been here.
My personal favourite is that the word "canuck" would cause an email to bounce as it was considered "derogatory and bigoted slang." I've yet to meet a single Canadian who considers it derogatory... especially when I was referring to the Vancouver Canucks hockey team.
When I email my brother at his work (rural county ohio government job). I can't use his full name b/c it triggers the filter. Same problem won't let me sign up on facebook.
Yeah, one is vulgar and a disgusting abomination! The other is just getting nailed in the butt... hide
This filter makes things worse. All you know is that somebody has possibly been insulting you heavily and then you have to call them up to beg for them to repeat the tirade again...
No, in the server message it states:
Please reply with history to uspostmaster@[removed].com if you would like this message released.
So all you would have to do is reply with history and then you get the message, no need to have your sender beat you down again with all those swears. :)
If my wife mentions ANY product name in an email, it ends up in my Outlook Junk mail folder where I fail to notice it.
If you were a fag you probably would like smoking a delightful fellow. (Oh no he di'int).
So, it is from a company in the UK. Obviously not Gordan Fucking Ramsay's.
And, being a Pitts Special, it can do it frontwards, upside down, and sideways. Whooohoooo
Pls send codes
I worked with a client that hired an employee that had all of his emails blocked for some time b/c his name was Dick.
Back in the day, when I was a Eudora Mail user, I always injected foul language in my messages to boost my chili pepper rating (Moodwatch). Looking back, I kind of miss that feature. Good times.
A friend of mine had a very similar system with his work's email. It didn't just list the words you'd used, but a variety that you could have. I don't have an exact quote, but it was along the lines of:
"Your email contained on or more of the following words: cnt, fck, crp, boocks, pssy, c*ck...." You get the idea. Only without the asterisks.
They changed it when one of the staff members complained that his daughter had received the profane warning. His young daughter had emailed him to say that the cat was ill and that mummy was taking her to the vet.
Only she didn't use the word "cat"...
Oh, and there's a theme park in the UK called Lightwater Valley. One of the bulletin boards I posted on wouldn't let us organise a trip there as all our posts bounced until we started spelling it Light Water Valley.
I'll leave it for the observant amongst you to figure out the problem. Took us a while.
"...We were doing well until I made the mistake of referring to their center iceman as 'that Fucking Canuck.' A few minutes later (we're in the middle of a brawl,here) I was escorted off the ice for a 5-minute major penalty...."
Name the narrator and/or the book :-)
And for those not from the UK but may or may not be observant, he is referring to tw*t...
Well bloolcks to you.
Bottom line - Never keep emails. Once you can convince the powers that be that nothing good can come of saving old emails, your corporate lives will be so much better.
I got that bit of info from our corporate attorney. Luckily, our "powers that be" agree.
Email is not a file system, or a personal storage bin. If you need to save attachments, save them. If you need contact info, extract it out into your address book. If there's anything else you need to save from an email, CUT IT OUT and save it somewhere else. But for your own sake, DON'T KEEP your corporate email.
Its almost impossible to use it in defense, but using it for incrimination? That's simple.