Recent Error'd

Error'd features fun error messages and other visual oddities from the world of IT.

Oct 2014

CMD: Completely Malicious Data

by in Error'd on

What? Friday already!? Not quite, but close! We have something really good coming up tomorrow for Halloween, so here's your weekly dose of Error'd a day early. Enjoy!


Undefined Favorites

by in Error'd on

"It's great I can ship my favorites to Europe, I just wish I knew what they were," writes Nick.

Sorry, but You Can't Do the Math

by in Error'd on

"I guess that Intuit might have reasons for not allowing me to say Math was my least favorite subject in school," writes Alan R.

Do the Math

by in Error'd on

"These car shades I found at Walmart were made especially for the American market," Bryan W. writes, "I mean just look - they work much better in Fahrenheit than in Celsius."

The Post Office is Wrong

by in Error'd on

Mark H. wrote, "Despite being a company that specializes in shipping orders, I guess Tiger Direct has no idea which zip codes are in which cities."