Recent Feature Articles

Jun 2015

Uncommon Respect

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Coyne viewed the coming work week with dread. His employer spent roughly the sum of all the employee’ 401k holdings on a weeklong mandatory communications training course. The problem of no work getting done during training was solved by having mandatory after-hours work to make up for it.

Skylar White holds the talking pillow in a scene from Breaking Bad

Ponderous at the Ponderosa

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Depending upon how long you've been in this industry, you've seen your fair share of bad design, bad code and bad users. Darren A. explains his dealings with bad management, and how a string of edicts there-from can crush kill destroy an organization.

The character Hoss from the show Bonanza

In the past, before management decided to, well, manage, Darren's company was able to complete 15-25 major projects each year. Then they hired a new Head of Software Services, who felt that he needed to actively manage all facets of how things were done...

Finally Clear

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Flickr - Nicholas T - Finality

Neil’s first contributions to the company codebase were to be tested in the fires of a late afternoon code review. Donavan, a veteran of Java since 1.1, was asked to sit in.

Taxing Production Tests

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1920 tax forms IRS

As some readers already know, the Polish government is not on the best of terms with modern technology. We'd be damned, however, if that stopped us from trying- even if the end result is as much of a mess as Michał reports it to be.

Paying Cache for Insurance

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If you asked the web developers at XYZ Insurance, a mere network engineer like Billy had no business snooping around in their code. “He probably doesn’t even know what HTML stands for,” they’d sneer, and they kept sneering until a routine change to fulfill an audit requirement brought their internal website grinding to a halt.

Green Gecko gobeirne
This article is actually about a health insurance company, but they don’t generally have cute CGI mascots

The Software Developers Who Say Ni

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Tim, the Hardware Enchanter worked at a small hardware/software company which made specialized instruments for a variety of industrial applications. When he wasn’t busy blowing up the English countryside, he designed hardware as well as its firmware- a mix of C and assembly code- which had to fit into 32KB of program memory with 2KB of RAM. He hardly ever touched application code, and was happy with that arrangement.

The Rabbit of Caerbannog

Welcome to the Real World

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“You should get some real-world experience.”

D.H. was in college to study video game programming, and his professors encouraged him to find an internship. “The real programming business is nothing like these university assignments.”