I hope I'm not being unfair by picking on, of all things, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). After all, they're not technically "code" and they often are often used by some fairly non-technical people. But as soon I read this CSS from Jeff S, the post title popped in my head. And far be it for me to let such a clever (yet obvious) pun go to waste ...

/* ED: Snipped about 300 lines of styles like this ... */
smallishBlueTahomaNormal {font-size:small; color:Blue; font-family:Tahoma;}
smallishBlueTahomaBold {font-size:small; color:Blue; font-family:Tahoma; font-weight:bold;}
normalBlackArialItalic {font-size: medium; color:Black; font-family:Arial; font-style:italic }
largerBoldGreen {font-size:large; color:Green}
LargeBoldNoBorder {font-size:large;border-style:none; font-weight:bold}
ItalicsRed {color: Red; font-style:italic}
BlueBackGroundBlackTahomaBold {background-color:Blue; color: Black; font-family:Tahoma; font-weight:bold}

Of course, not everyone invents an intersting way of using this CSS technology. Curt Sampson's colleague went with the More-Than-Needed Classical Redudant approach:

     b {
            font-weight   : bold;

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