Matt M, there is no dialog there. You see nothing ...
So, what exactly is Google trying to tell Bob K?
Toby Gray, that's just not fair! How come my chocolate covered raisins never come with any SQL?
Philip Bierhoff thought it was a bit odd that TaxACT would be reminding everyone how overdue their taxes are ...
Sean K. Moran shares this tip from the Most Helpful FAQ Ever ...
I've seen some shady vendors on those comparison shopping sites jack up their shipping costs and low-ball the item price so that it'll appear at the top of the list. As Vickie discovered, that strategy didn't quite work here. Nice try TigerDirect!
Jeeze, Chris, talk about a wide-screen monitor ...
Although Marv found this EULA from World of Warcraft a bit confusing at first, once he broke it down, solved the cipher, decoded it, and read it thoroughly, it made a lot of sense ...
From Michael N, at a price like that, I can't imagine that laptop would be anything but a "top seller" ...
We all know that no one ever wins those "CLICK HERE FOR A FREE XBOX 360" ads, so I'm glad that at least one place is upfront about it (from Rob)...
Kostas Stroggylos hopes they come up with some sort of algorithm to go through those pages. 18 quintillion is a lot of pages to read ...
The irony in this last message (sent in by John) is that it was received via interoffice mail and is a photocopy of a fax of a printed screenshot. The "Send Report" manages to do the same thing, though a bit more efficiently ...