While working on his company's reservation manager, Stephaan stumbled upon some PHP code that calculated the date values for tomorrow ($morgen) and the day after tomorrow ($ubermorgen). Something about the code struck him as ... wrong.

``` // FORMAT DATE // detect this day and this month (without 0) $today = date("j") ; $thismonth = date("n") ; $manyday = date("t") ;

// define morgen and ubermorgen dates 
if ($manyday == 30 && $today == 30) // for 30. from 30 days's month 
    $morgen = 1 ; 
    $morgenmonth = $thismonth+1 ; 
    $ubermorgen = 2 ; 
    $ubermorgenmonth = $thismonth+1 ; 
elseif ($manyday == 31 && $today == 30) // for 30. from 31 days's month 
    $morgen = 31 ; 
    $morgenmonth = $thismonth ; 
    $ubermorgen = 1 ; 
    $ubermorgenmonth = $thismonth+1 ; 
elseif ($manyday == 29 && $today == 28) // for 28 february 
    $morgen = 29 ; 
    $morgenmonth = $thismonth ; 
    $ubermorgen = 1 ; 
    $ubermorgenmonth = $thismonth+1 ; 
elseif ($manyday == 29 && $today == 29) // for 29 february 
    $morgen = 1 ; 
    $morgenmonth = $thismonth ; 
    $ubermorgen = 2 ; 
    $ubermorgenmonth = $thismonth+1 ; 
elseif ($today == 30 && $thismonth == 12) // for 30 december 
    $morgen = 31 ; 2
    $morgenmonth = $thismonth ; 
    $ubermorgen = 1 ; 
    $ubermorgenmonth = 1 ; 
elseif ($today == 31 && $thismonth == 12) // for 31 december 
    $morgen = 1 ; 
    $morgenmonth = 1 ; 
    $ubermorgen = 2 ; 
    $ubermorgenmonth = 1 ; 
elseif ($today == 31) // for 31. from 31 days's month 
    $morgen = 1 ; 
    $morgenmonth = $thismonth+1 ; 
    $ubermorgen = 2 ; 
    $ubermorgenmonth = $thismonth+1 ; 
else // normal days 
    $morgen = $today+1 ; 
    $morgenmonth = $thismonth ; 
    $ubermorgen = $today+2 ; 
    $ubermorgenmonth = $thismonth ; 


Feeling in an experimental mood, Stephaan decided to test the code. It worked for any date given on a leap year, but broke on February 27th of any other year. Typically, errors in date-calculating code happen on leap years, but in this instance it only worked perfectly during leap years.

Stephaan could think of several solutions. He could calculate $morgen as ($today + 1) % $manyday. He could then create a function, morgen(date), and write ubermorgen(date) with the recursive morgen(morgen(date)). However, PHP already has built-in functions for calculating dates, and could simply write $übermorgen = strtotime('+ 2 days').

But Stephaan did none of these things, as the code wasn't actually being referenced anywhere else in the application. $morgen and $ubermorgen were quietly put to pasture, and no one was the wiser.

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