It's been a long while since our last Free Mug Day or Free T-Shirt Day. Too long, in fact. But wait no more: today is a new Free T-Shirt Day!
My company, Inedo, has decided to step up and sponsor this round of The Daily WTF T-shirts.
To get one, all you have to do is download and install BuildMaster, run through this quick configuration, and then fill out the form with your address, size, etc. That's it — it shouldn't take more than fifteen mintues or so.
Everything's free, and there's no credit card needed, or anything like that. This is just Inedo's way of thanking you for trying out BuildMaster. Afterwards, you can use the Express Edition for free, or upgrade to the Enterprise Edition.
This offer expires on March 2, 2014, and Supply is limited to 250, so sign up soon! To get started, just follow this link and, in a few weeks time, you'll not only be more knowledgeable about BuildMaster, but you'll be that much more fashionable with these nice, hefty The Daily WTF shirts.
And of course, thanks to Mark Bowytz for the ever-so-brillant Paula Bean and Cowboy Coder illustrations.