It is not uncommon to feel intimidated when starting a new job. This is especially true when you think you've been hired as a programmer, show up, and are asked to do IT for "just a couple of months" until they hire someone to do that job.
Such is the situation in which Clint found himself, many years ago. The problem is that when they finally hire an IT guy, it may be hard for the other programmers to accept you into the herd. To them, you're just the guy that bounces the email server and makes backups.
Lucky for Clint, the other developers sat him down and walked him through the application he would be working on. Though many of the concepts seemed foreign, they appeared to know what they were doing. In fact, when one of the other developers complained that he was getting "inconsistent results," he asked Clint to take a look at his code.
class Something
Something() { int nSomeValue = 42; }
void Accessor(void)
int nSomeValue;
printf("%d\n", nSomeValue);
// WTF: Very rarely prints out '42'!
Needless to say, Clint no longer felt intimidated.