Once upon a time, there was a web programmer and a web designer. Try as he might, the web programmer was not a very good programmer: he hacked, and hacked, and hacked, but his programs just never worked the way he wanted. The web designer was a good designer, but had one problem: her ego was three sizes too big.
One day, the web programmer and the web designer worked together on a project. They had their arguments; they had their differences; and they made sure to discuss their arguments and their differences in the HTML comments for all, including Robert H, to see and enjoy ...
<!-- All interface and content go in here. Outside of this, it's just making sure the rect stays in the middle of the screen. -->
<!-- Except that if you had remebered my recomendations from the other site and the one before that you would have rembeded that IE does not hand negitive values in postioning very well. -->
<!-- It turns out that's not the problem. The problem is that IE just doesn't bother rendering anything outside of an enclosing element. It just doesn't draw the parts that stick out. Heaven forfend that you'd actually get to make a decision about this as a designer. Or, shit, they could have just looked at how other browsers work. -->
<!-- the good way (<div><a></div>) Thanks, Brian. That's important for me to know. -B -->
And to add to the fun, the web programmer and web designer made these comments in the website's template, so it appeared in the source behind every page of the public-facing site.