"While browsing the code base of a recently inherited project," Joey L writes, "I found this curious method."
private String insertComma(String src){ StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); try { char d = '"'; result.append(d); result.append(src); result.append(d); } catch (RuntimeException e) { logger.error(e); } return result.toString(); }
"In addition to the strange indentation, I noticed three issues with this code."
"1. What is the try/catch for?
2. Why is the delimiter not a class variable or a parameter?
— and finally —
3. What the $§%& does the method name to do with the content?
Joey continued, "while the world does not have an answer to every stupid question, I can at least provide an answer to the last question. Here's the 'syntax' to use the method from above."
String result = ... + insertComma(varA) + "," + insertComma(varB) + ...;
"Hopefully that clears some things up."