RLB o'PCC (or for those not acronym acquainted, Really Long Blocks of Pointless Conversion Code) are pretty common place. They're the type of code that goes something like If SomeInt = 4 Then SomeStr = "4", If SomeInt = 5 Then SomeStr = "5", .... If you haven't seen your fair share of this in the wild, you could find more than your fair share in examples I've posted over the year. Today's code (from Dan Fisch) might look at first glance like every other RLB o'PCC. But take a closer look; each of those Let* functions opens up to another 30-line RLB o'PCC that sets its character's ASCII value to an integer. I'll leave what those RLB o'PCC look like to your imagination ...
if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == '&') LetAmpers(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == '@') LetAt(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == 92) LetBackSlash(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == 58) LetColon(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == ',') LetComma(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == '$') LetDollar(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == 61) LetEqual(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == '!') LetExclMarc(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == '/') LetForwSlash(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == 62) LetGrThan(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == 94) LetHat(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == '{') LetLeftBrace(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == '[') LetLeftBrack(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == '(') LetLeftParenth(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == 60) LetLessThan(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == 45) LetMinus(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == '|') LetOr(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == '%') LetPercent(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == '.') LetPeriod(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == '+') LetPlus(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == '#') LetPound(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == '?') LetQuestMarc(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == 34) LetQuotMarc(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == 39) LetSingleQuotMarc(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == '*') LetStar(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == 9) LetTab(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == ']') LetRightBrack(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == '}') LetRightBrace(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == ')') LetRightParenth(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == '_') LetUnderScr(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); /* ... SNIP - 56 other characters ... */ if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == 'x') Letx(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == 'X') LetX(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == 'y') Lety(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == 'Y') LetY(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == 'z') Letz(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == 'Z') LetZ(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == 13) LetCR(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == ';') LetSemiCol(lcrBuffer, lmpAction); if (lcrBuffer.CurrentChar == ' ') LetSpace(lcrBuffer, lmpAction);