While going through contest entries, we were bummed that we don't have more high-res JPGs (and laptops) to give out. Here are some highlights that didn't quite make finalists, but got the Honorable Mention award. For which the prize is an honorable mention in this article. This is the third and final entry in a three-part series.

Massimo's ASMCalc avoids expensive built-in arithmetic functions, instead using a function pointer to assembly code patched at runtime:

int ASMCode[] =

Tony Sherwood is a jerk to his friend Paula Bean (see code comments):

    Title: PaulaCalc v1.0
    Author: Paula Bean
    Date: 04/15/07
    Brief Description:
      A friend of mine from college called me the other day, 
      and told me about this contest to write the best C++ calculator 
      program you could.  He said he was always impressed by my code 
      back in school, and that when he heard about the contest I was the 
      first person he thought of... anyways, first place is 20 dollars!

      The only thing is that you have to be a member of the site to join
      the contest, so he offered me half the prize money if I agreed to 
      write the program and he would submit it.  So, here goes: I've never 
      worked in C++ before, but how hard could it be?
      This should be fun.

string paula = "Brillant";

string getPaula() {
    return paula;

string floatToString(float f) {
    stringstream s;
    s << f;
    return s.str();

void trim(string& str)
  string::size_type pos = str.find_last_not_of(' ');
  if(pos != string::npos) {
    str.erase(pos + 1);
    pos = str.find_first_not_of(' ');
    if(pos != string::npos) str.erase(0, pos);
  else str.erase(str.begin(), str.end());
PaulaCalc v1.0

CrazyCoder's experimented with fredsafety.

    // for Fred's safety
    while (is_calculating == 1) {
        // slow down computation
        int dummy = 0;
        //DEBUG("dfhdfhhd", 0);
        dummy *= dummy;
        dummy * dummy * dummy;
        // division is said to be slow
        dummy = dummy / dummy / dummy;
        dummy = dummy * dummy * dummy;
        dummy = dummy / dummy / dummy;
        dummy = dummy * dummy * dummy;
        dummy = dummy / dummy / dummy;
        dummy = dummy * dummy * dummy;
        dummy = dummy / dummy / dummy;
        dummy = dummy * dummy * dummy; 
    is_calculating++; // we are calculating
YatCalc 7.0 Pro

Steve Hawley created his own Lisp-like language and parser. In his words, "You'll note that the calculator buttons are bound to lisp programs instead of vectoring through C code. This teensy hit in efficiency is clearly outweighed by the added flexibility." half-ass-expr

jlahd built an extensible calculator claculator that makes extensive use of generics and the registry, making updates simple should the definition of numbers, operators, or math ever change.

// Digit strings

ClaculatorConstant<char const*> claculator_constant_digit_0( "0", "digit_0" );
ClaculatorConstant<char const*> claculator_constant_digit_1( "1", "digit_1" );
ClaculatorConstant<char const*> claculator_constant_digit_2( "2", "digit_2" );
ClaculatorConstant<char const*> claculator_constant_digit_3( "3", "digit_3" );
ClaculatorConstant<char const*> claculator_constant_digit_4( "4", "digit_4" );
ClaculatorConstant<char const*> claculator_constant_digit_5( "5", "digit_5" );

Michael Ensly is completely nvts. His calcvlator converts all digits to Roman nvmerals behind the scenes. It also inclvded a clever interface with all cvstom artwork. Definitely worth a download and compile.

    // Simplify result by summation of internal numerals:
    op1 =    replace(
    op1 = AddSubNot(op1); // Apply subtractive notation
    return op1;
Romanorum Computus

Steven Burnap did an impressive amount of WTFing in his "Fourth Calculator." Here are some brief snippets:

//                Program:  Calculator Engine
//                Version:  1.01rc6 RELEASE
//                 Author:   Wally T. Farnsworth, PhD.
//                Company:  Farnsworth Consulting International, ltd.
// Copyright (c) Wally T. Farnsworth, PhD. All Rights Reserved under the GPL!!
// Changelist:
// Date        Version   User        Comment
// 05/01/2007  0.1       WTF    Initial version
// 05/01/2007  0.1a      WTF    Forth engine
// 05/03/2007  0.11      WTF    Add '+', '-' to Forth engine
// 05/05/2007  0.12      WTF    Add '*', '/' to Forth engine
// 05/07/2007  0.13      WTF    Optimize Forth engine
// 05/08/2007  0.14      WTF    OO Wrapper to interface with C++
// 05/09/2007  0.5       WTF    Misc. bug fixes
// 05/10/2007  0.51      WTF    Refactor OO wrapper
// 05/11/2007  0.6       WTF    Add operator classes to OO wrapper
// 05/12/2007  0.9       WTF    Add threading
// 05/12/2007  1.0       WTF    Connect to calculator.
// 05/12/2007  1.001     WTF    Bug fixes
// 05/13/2007  1.001a    WTF    Bug fixes
// 05/13/2007  1.001b    WTF    Bug fixes
// (snipped around 30 lines of "Bug fixes" on 5/13/2007)
// 05/13/2007  1.01rc4   WTF    Bug fixes
// 05/13/2007  1.01rc5   WTF    Bug fixes
// 05/13/2007  1.01rc6   WTF    No bugs!!!  Done!!!
#include "calcfunc.h"

#define WIN32  // TODO Figure out why this needs to be defined/

// snip

// Class: Mutex
// For some reason, the stupid Windows threads cause the CPU to max out in the mutex,
// so I made my own cooperative multitasking system.
Fourth Calculator

Kellen Mickley runs all calculations in brainfsk. Brainfsk Variation

Chicken Little entered like 30 calculators into the competition. Here's a little piece of one of them that we liked:

    if (*PointerTo_op1 == Eight && *RightOp == Four)
        *PointerToTheResult++ = BorrowTheOne == true ? Three : *RightOp;
        BorrowTheOne = false;

We received several hardware emulation entries, all of which were fantastic. Goplat's, though, would parse through an ASCII representation of a series of logic gates.

const char cpu[HEIGHT][WIDTH] = {       
/*Result        TC C       Acc         Operand  IP         S   InsnA    InsnB */
"                ! !       !!!!!!!!             !!!!!!!!   !   !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!       ",
"                | |       ||||||||             ||||||||   >---++++++++-++++++++----`  ",
"                | |       ||||||||             ||||||||   |   |||||||| |||||||>-xa-<  ",
"                | |       ||||||||             |||||||>---+---++++++++-++++++++-^x-+-!",
"                | |       ||||||||             ||||||||   |   |||||||| ||||||>+-x-a<  ",
"                | |       ||||||||             ||||||>+---+---++++++++-++++++++-^-x+-!",
"                | |       ||||||||             ||||||||   |   |||||||| |||||>++-xa-<  ",
"                | |       ||||||||             |||||>++---+---++++++++-++++++++-^x-+-!",
"                | |       ||||||||             ||||||||   |   |||||||| ||||>+++-x-a<  ",
"                | |       ||||||||             ||||>+++---+---++++++++-++++++++-^-x+-!",
"                | |       ||||||||             ||||||||   |   |||||||| |||>++++-xa-<  ",
"                | |       ||||||||             |||>++++---+---++++++++-++++++++-^x-+-!",
"                | |       ||||||||             ||||||||   |   |||||||| ||>+++++-x-a<  ",
"                | |       ||||||||             ||>+++++---+---++++++++-++++++++-^-x+-!",
"                | |       ||||||||             ||||||||   |   |||||||| |>++++++-xa-<  ",
"                | |       ||||||||             |>++++++---+---++++++++-++++++++-^x-+-!",
"                | |       ||||||||             ||||||||   |   |||||||| >+++++++-x-a/  ",
"                | |       ||||||||             >+++++++---+---++++++++-++++++++-^-x--!",
"                | |       ||||||||             |||||||| /-<   |||||||| ||||||||       ",
"                | |       ||||||||/------------++++++++-a >n--++++++++o++++++++----`  ",
"                | |       |||||||||            |||||||| `-+---++++++<>/|||||||`-vx-+-!",
"                | |       |||||||>+-xv---------++++++++---+---++++++++-+++++++--xa-<  ",
"                | |       ||||||||>-ax-------` ||||||||   |   |||||||| ||||||`+-v-x+-!",
"                | |       ||||||>++x-v-------+-++++++++---+---++++++++-++++++---x-a<  ",
"                | |       ||||||||>a-x------`| ||||||||   |   |||||||| |||||`++-vx-+-!",
"                | |       |||||>+++-xv------++-++++++++---+---++++++++-+++++----xa-<  ",
"                | |       ||||||||>-ax-----`|| ||||||||   |   |||||||| ||||`+++-v-x+-!",
"                | |       ||||>++++x-v-----+++-++++++++---+---++++++++-++++-----x-a<  ",
"                | |       ||||||||>a-x----`||| ||||||||   |   |||||||| |||`++++-vx-+-!",
"                | |       |||>+++++-xv----++++-++++++++---+---++++++++-+++------xa-<  ",
"                | |       ||||||||>-ax---`|||| ||||||||   |   |||||||| ||`+++++-v-x+-!",
"                | |       ||>++++++x-v---+++++-++++++++---+---++++++++-++-------x-a<  ",
"                | |       ||||||||>a-x--`||||| ||||||||   |   |||||||| |`++++++-vx-+-!",
"                | |       |>+++++++-xv--++++++-++++++++---+---++++++++-+--------xa-<  ",
"                | |       ||||||||>-ax-`|||||| ||||||||   |   |||||||| `+++++++-v-x+-!",
"            /---+-<       >++++++++x-v-+++++++-++++++++---+---++++++++----------x-a/  ",
"            |   | |       ||||||||`a-x`||||||| ||||||||   |   |||>++++------`         ",
"            |   | >-------++++++++----++++++++-++++++++---+---++++++++-v--vx+--------`",
"            o-n-+-+----v--++++++++----++++++++-++++++++---+---++<||||| |  xa<        |",
"            |   | |  /-+--++++++++----++++++++-++++++++---+---+++<|||| |  | |        |",
"           /<   | | /</<  ||||||||    |||||||>-++++++++---+---++++++++-+-v+x+-------`|",
"         /-+x/v-+-+-x+a+--+++++++<    |||||||| ||||||||   |   |||||||| | ||||       ||",
"         | a^+x | |  | |  ||||||||    |||||||| ||||||||   |   |||||||| | x+a<       ||",
"         | `oa^-+-+--+-+--++++++++----+++++++< ||||||||   |   |||||||| | || |       ||",
"         | /<   | | /</<  ||||||||    ||||||>+-++++++++---+---++++++++-+-+*x+------`||",
"        /+-+x/v-+-+-x+a+--++++++<|    |||||||| ||||||||   |   |||||||| | ||||      |||",
"        || a^+x | |  | |  ||||||||    |||||||| ||||||||   |   |||||||| | |xa<      |||",
"        || `oa^-+-+--+-+--++++++++----++++++<| ||||||||   |   |||||||| | || |      |||",
"        || /<   | | /</<  ||||||||    |||||>++-++++++++---+---++++++++-+-*+x+-----`|||",
"       /++-+x/v-+-+-x+a+--+++++<||    |||||||| ||||||||   |   |||||||| | ||||     ||||",
"       ||| a^+x | |  | |  ||||||||    |||||||| ||||||||   |   |||||||| | x+a<     ||||",
"       ||| `oa^-+-+--+-+--++++++++----+++++<|| ||||||||   |   |||||||| | || |     ||||",
"       ||| /<   | | /</<  ||||||||    ||||>+++-++++++++---+---++++++++-+-+*x+----`||||",
"      /+++-+x/v-+-+-x+a+--++++<|||    |||||||| ||||||||   |   |||||||| | ||||    |||||",
"      |||| a^+x | |  | |  ||||||||    |||||||| ||||||||   |   |||||||| | |xa<    |||||",
"      |||| `oa^-+-+--+-+--++++++++----++++<||| ||||||||   |   |||||||| | || |    |||||",
"      |||| /<   | | /</<  ||||||||    |||>++++-++++++++---+---++++++++-+-*+x+---`|||||",
"     /++++-+x/v-+-+-x+a+--+++<||||    |||||||| ||||||||   |   |||||||| | ||||   ||||||",
"     ||||| a^+x | |  | |  ||||||||    |||||||| ||||||||   |   |||||||| | x+a<   ||||||",
"     ||||| `oa^-+-+--+-+--++++++++----+++<|||| ||||||||   |   |||||||| | || |   ||||||",
"     ||||| /<   | | /</<  ||||||||    ||>+++++-++++++++---+---++++++++-+-+*x+--`||||||",
"    /+++++-+x/v-+-+-x+a+--++<|||||    |||||||| ||||||||   |   |||||||| | ||||  |||||||",
"    |||||| a^+x | |  | |  ||||||||    |||||||| ||||||||   |   |||||||| | |xa<  |||||||",
"    |||||| `oa^-+-+--+-+--++++++++----++<||||| ||||||||   |   |||||||| | || |  |||||||",
"    |||||| /<   | | /</<  ||||||||    |>++++++-++++++++---+---++++++++-+-*+x+-`|||||||",
"   /++++++-+x/v-+-+-x+a+--+<||||||    |||||||| ||||||||   |   |||||||| | |||| ||||||||",
"   ||||||| a^+x | |  | |  ||||||||    |||||||| ||||||||   |   |||||||| `-x+a/ ||||||||",
"   ||||||| `oa^-+-+--+-+--++++++++----+<|||||| ||||||||   |   ||||||||    |  /////////",
"   ||||||| /<   | | /</<  ||||||||    >+++++++-++++++++---+---++++++++----/ ///////// ",
"  /+++++++-+x/v-+-+-x+a+--<|||||||    |||||||| ||||||||   |   ||||||||     /////////  ",
"  |||||||| a^+x | |  | |  ||||||||    |||||||| ||||||||   |   ||||||||    /////////   ",
"  |||||||| `oa^-+-+--+-+--++++++++----<||||||| ||||||||   |   ||||||||    ||||||||    ",
" /++++++++--/ /-+-+--+-+--++++++++----++++++++-++++++++---+---+<||||||    ||||||||    ",
" ||||||||`-vx-+-+-+--+-+--++++++++----++++++++-++++++++---+---++++++++----+++++++/    ",
" ||||||||/-xa-< | |  | |  ||||||||    |||||||>-++++++++---+---++++++++----+++++++`    ",
" |||||||`+-v-x+-+-+--+-+--++++++++----++++++++-++++++++---+---++++++++----++++++/|    ",
" |||||||/+-x-a< | |  | |  ||||||||    ||||||>+-++++++++---+---++++++++----++++++`|    ",
" ||||||`++-vx-+-+-+--+-+--++++++++----++++++++-++++++++---+---++++++++----+++++/||    ",
" ||||||/++-xa-< | |  | |  ||||||||    |||||>++-++++++++---+---++++++++----+++++`||    ",
" |||||`+++-v-x+-+-+--+-+--++++++++----++++++++-++++++++---+---++++++++----++++/|||    ",
" |||||/+++-x-a< | |  | |  ||||||||    ||||>+++-++++++++---+---++++++++----++++`|||    ",
" ||||`++++-vx-+-+-+--+-+--++++++++----++++++++-++++++++---+---++++++++----+++/||||    ",
" ||||/++++-xa-< | |  | |  ||||||||    |||>++++-++++++++---+---++++++++----+++`||||    ",
" |||`+++++-v-x+-+-+--+-+--++++++++----++++++++-++++++++---+---++++++++----++/|||||    ",
" |||/+++++-x-a< | |  | |  ||||||||    ||>+++++-++++++++---+---++++++++----++`|||||    ",
" ||`++++++-vx-+-+-+--+-+--++++++++----++++++++-++++++++---+---++++++++----+/||||||    ",
" ||/++++++-xa-< | |/-/ |  ||||||||    |>++++++-++++++++---+---++++++++----+`||||||    ",
" |`+++++++-v-x+-+-++---+--++++++++----++++++++-++++++++---+---++++++++----/|||||||    ",
" |/+++++++-x-a< | ||/--/  ||||||||    >+++++++-++++++++---+---++++++++----`|||||||    ",
"!+++++++++----+-+-+++-----++++++++----++++++++-++++++++--a+---+++++<||    ||||||||    ",
" `++++++++--` | | |||/----++++++++----++++++++-++++++++-a*<   ||||||||    ||||||||    ",
"!-+++++++^--+-+-+-++++-xv-+++++++/    |||||||| |||||||| `++---++++<|||    ||||||||    ",
"  |||||||   | | | |||>-ax-+++++++`    |||||||| |||||||>--++-v-++++++++-n-`||||||||    ",
"!-++++++^---+-+-+-++++x-v-++++++/|    |||||||| `+++++++` || | |||||||`vx-++++++++<    ",
"  ||||||    | | | |||>a-x-++++++`|    |||||||| /+++++++x`|| | |||||||/xa-<||||||||    ",
"!-+++++^----+-+-+-++++-xv-+++++/||    |||||||| |`++++++va|| | ||||||`+v-x+++++++<|    ",
"  |||||     | | | |||>-ax-+++++`||    |||||||| |/++++++x<|| | ||||||/+x-a<||||||||    ",
"!-++++^-----+-+-+-++++x-v-++++/|||    |||||||| ||`+++++va|| | |||||`++vx-++++++<||    ",
"  ||||      | | | |||>a-x-++++`|||    |||||||| ||/+++++x<|| | |||||/++xa-<||||||||    ",
"!-+++^------+-+-+-++++-xv-+++/||||   ///////// |||`++++va|| | ||||`+++v-x+++++<|||    ",
"  |||       | | | |||>-ax-+++`||||  /////////  |||/++++x<|| | ||||/+++x-a<||||||||    ",
"!-++^-------+-+-+-++++x-v-++/||||| /////////   ||||`+++va|| |/<||`++++vx-++++<||||    ",
"  ||        | | | |||>a-x-++`||||| ||||||||    ||||/+++x<|| |||||/++++xa-<||||||||    ",
"!-+^--------+-+-+-++++-xv-+/|||||| ||||||||    |||||`++va|| ||||`+++++v-x+++<|||||    ",
"  |         | | | |||>-ax-+`|||||| ||||||||    |||||/++x<|| ||||/+++++x-a<||||||||    ",
"!-^---------+-+-+-++++x-v-/||||||| ||||||||    ||||||`+va|>`|||`++++++vx-++<||||||    ",
"        /---+-+-+-+<|`a-x-`||||||| ||||||||    ||||||/+x<|n||||/++++++xa-<||||||||    ",
"    /---+---+-/ | |||     |||||||| ||||||||    |||||||`va|||||`+++++++v-x+<|||||||    ",
"    | /-+xv-+---+-+++-----++++++++-<|||||||    |||||||/x^+/|||/+++++++x-a/||||||||    ",
"    | | `ax-+---+-+++-----++++++++-+++++++</---++++++++--+-a+/||||||||   /////////    ",
"    | `-x-v-//--+-+++-----++++++++-+++++++++---++++++++--/  | ||||||||  /////////     ",
"    >---a-x-v+xv^-+++-`   |||||||| |||||||`+-xv+++++++/     | |||||||| /////////      ",
"    |       |>ax` ||| | /-++++++++-+++++++-a-ax+++++++`   /-/ |||||||| ||||||||       ",
"    |       |a--+-++/ | n |||||||| ||||||`-+x-v++++++/|   |   |||||||| ||||||||       ",
"    |       `+xv+-^+--+`| |||||||| ||||||  >a-x++++++`|   |   |||||||| ||||||||       ",
"    |        `ax+-`|  ||| |||||||| |||||`--+-xv+++++/||   |   |||||||| ||||||||       ",
"    |           | ||  x<| |||||||| |||||   >-ax+++++`||   |   |||||||| ||||||||       ",
"    `-----------+-++--ax| |||||||| ||||`---+x-v++++/|||   |   |||||||| ||||||||       ",
"                | |`---x/ |||||||| ||||    >a-x++++`|||   |   |||||||| ||||||||       ",
"                | |       |||||||| |||`----+-xv+++/||||   |   |||||||| ||||||||       ",
"                | |       |||||||| |||     >-ax+++`||||   |   |||||||| ||||||||       ",
"                | |       |||||||| ||`-----+x-v++/|||||   |   |||||||| ||||||||       ",
"                | |       |||||||| ||      >a-x++`|||||   |   |||||||| ||||||||       ",
"                | |       |||||||| |`------+-xv+/||||||   |   |||||||| ||||||||       ",
"                | |       |||||||| |       >-ax+`||||||   |   |||||||| ||||||||       ",
"                | |       |||||||| `-------+x-v/|||||||   |   |||||||| ||||||||       ",
"                | |       ||||||||         >a-x`|||||||   |   |||||||| ||||||||       ",
"                ! !       !!!!!!!!             !!!!!!!!   !   !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!       ",

const unsigned char addprog[] = {
	0x19, 0x84, // mov a,84
	0x25, 0x80, // add 80
	0x19, 0x85, // mov a,85
	0x25, 0x81, // add 81
	0x19, 0x86, // mov a,86
	0x25, 0x82, // add 82
	0x19, 0x87, // mov a,87
	0x25, 0x83, // add 83
	0x15, 0xFF, // mov FF (halt)

const unsigned char subprog[] = {
	0x70, 0x01, // shr #01 (set carry)
	0x19, 0x84, // mov a,84
	0x35, 0x80, // sub 80
	0x19, 0x85, // mov a,85
	0x35, 0x81, // sub 81
	0x19, 0x86, // mov a,86
	0x35, 0x82, // sub 82
	0x19, 0x87, // mov a,87
	0x35, 0x83, // sub 83
	0x15, 0xFF, // mov FF (halt)

// 16x16 -> 32 multiplication
const unsigned char mulprog[] = {
	0x18, 0x00, // 00: mov a,#00
	0x16, 0x82, // 02: mov 82,a
	0x16, 0x83, // 04: mov 83,a
	0x14, 0xEF, // 06: mov EF,#EF
	0x75, 0x83, // 08: shr 83
	0x75, 0x82, // 0A: shr 82
	0x75, 0x81, // 0C: shr 81
	0x75, 0x80, // 0E: shr 80
	0x80, 0x1C, // 10: jcc #1C
	0x70, 0x00, // 12: shr #00 (clear carry)
	0x19, 0x84, // 14: mov a,84
	0x25, 0x82, // 16: add 82
	0x19, 0x85, // 18: mov a,85
	0x25, 0x83, // 1A: add 83
	0x05, 0xEF, // 1C: inc EF
	0xC0, 0x08, // 1E: jtc #08
	0x15, 0xFF, // 20: mov FF (halt)

// 32x24 -> 32 division
const unsigned char divprog[] = {
	0x18, 0x00, // 00: mov a,#00
	0x16, 0x88, // 02: mov 88,a
	0x16, 0x89, // 04: mov 89,a
	0x16, 0x8A, // 06: mov 8A,a
	0x14, 0xDF, // 08: mov DF,#DF
	0x65, 0x80, // 0A: shl 80
	0x65, 0x81, // 0C: shl 81
	0x65, 0x82, // 0E: shl 82
	0x65, 0x83, // 10: shl 83
	0x65, 0x88, // 12: shl 88
	0x65, 0x89, // 14: shl 89
	0x65, 0x8A, // 16: shl 8A
	0x90, 0x2A, // 18: jcs #2A
	0x70, 0x01, // 1A: shr #01 (set carry)
	0x19, 0x84, // 1C: mov a,84
	0x31, 0x88, // 1E: sub -,88
	0x19, 0x85, // 20: mov a,85
	0x31, 0x89, // 22: sub -,89
	0x19, 0x86, // 24: mov a,86
	0x31, 0x8A, // 26: sub -,8A
	0x80, 0x38, // 28: jcc #38
	0x19, 0x84, // 2A: mov a,84
	0x35, 0x88, // 2C: sub 88
	0x19, 0x85, // 2E: mov a,85
	0x35, 0x89, // 30: sub 89
	0x19, 0x86, // 32: mov a,86
	0x35, 0x8A, // 34: sub 8A
	0x70, 0x01, // 36: shr #01 (set carry)
	0x05, 0xDF, // 38: inc DF
	0xC0, 0x0A, // 3A: jtc #0A
	0x15, 0xFF, // 3C: mov FF (halt)

We'll be announcing the winners next week, so until then, please complain about how boring these calculator articles are in the comments. Thanks in advance!

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