Jonathan did a double-take when he glanced over this function:

Public Sub KillTheChildren()
   Dim objIntegrationAccount As IntegrationAccount

   For Each objIntegrationAccount In mcolItems
      Set objIntegrationAccount = Nothing

   Set objIntegrationAccount = Nothing
End Sub

I probably would've gone with another name for this function. Perhaps ClearIntegrationAccounts, RemoveChildObjects, or really anything else that wouldn't imply that I have a chemical imbalance that makes me want to murder children.

Comparatively, though, another bit of code that he sent over is worse. (Condensed for your sanity.)

If blnContinue Then
   If CreateConnection Then
      If DeleteData Then
         If CreateLocations Then
            If SaveServiceProviders Then
               If LoadServiceProviders Then
                  If LoadCategoryNames Then
                     If LoadFiveServiceProviders Then
                        If CalculateAllActivations Then
                           If UpgradesCalcNoExchange Then
                              If UpgradesCalcExchangeReturns
                                 ' (25 more levels here)
                              End If
                           End If
                        End If
                     End If
                  End If
               End If
            End If
         End If
      End If
   End If
End If

Probably the most interesting thing about the application is this assortment of GUIDs.

With 2128 possible GUIDs, how many must they've used to get several so close together? (Probably less than the odds of a custom function that chooses the next unused GUID or entering them by hand.)

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