Phew! Sheesh, I'm still feeling yesterday's SQL-Cookie post, so we'll have to tone it down just a bit today and with this submission from Gavin. He was maintaining an ASP-based web application and couldn't seem to figure how where all these variables (sTmp, iI, etc) used throughout the code were coming from. They weren't declared, and Option Explicit was on, so it just didn't make sense.
Buried behind three levels of include files in the footer, Gavin finally found ...
' ' temporary variables Dim iI Dim iJ Dim iK Dim iL Dim iM Dim iN Dim iO Dim iP Dim iQ Dim iR Dim iS Dim sTmp Dim sTmp2 Dim sTmp3 Dim sTmp4 Dim sTmp5 Dim sTmp6 Dim sTmp7 Dim sTmp8 Dim aTmp Dim aTmp2 Dim aTmp3 Dim aTmp4 Dim aTmp5 Dim aTmp6
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